Mad Queen

Chapter 1059

Chapter 1059
"You said... I'm used to noisy and messy days, but now it's quiet and clean. I'm not used to it, and I feel like I have nothing to do..."

While laughing, he brushed the dust off the books with a whisk.

"However, to be honest, I have spent many days in Doulong Academy. This is the first time I have met a disciple like you..."

"Uncle Dong, this gives you time to relax and drink, why are you unhappy instead?!"

"drink wine?!"

Dong Cunhe suddenly squatted down and looked around vigilantly.

"Brat, how did you know I was drinking?!"

"Of course I smell it... How can you not smell the strong smell of alcohol on your body?!"

"Nonsense... where does the smell of alcohol come from?!"

Dong Cunhe couldn't help sniffing at his body.

"Why can't I smell it myself?!"

"You drink by yourself, of course you can't smell the alcohol on your body!"

Gu Ziwan blinked her left eye lightly and smiled slyly.

"I not only know that you drink, but also what kind of wine you drink..."

"What wine?"

"Medicated wine..."

Gu Ziwan gnawed on the small melon seeds, her expression returned to her leisurely and lazy attitude, and she looked at the wind and clouds in the sky through the skylight.

Dong Cunhe frowned completely, sniffed himself once again, and looked around with a twinkle in his eyes.

After confirming that no one was there, he lowered his voice.

"Stinky boy, tell me the truth, what else do you know?!"

Gu Ziwan's eyes flickered, and she suddenly sat up with a smile: "Uncle Dong, if you invite me to dinner, I'll tell you..."

"Okay, today at noon, I invite you to stir-fry pork..."

"Cut, it's another big pot of rice, I'm tired of eating... How about..."

She turned over and jumped down, clapping her hands leisurely.

"How about tonight, the two of us sneak drink!!"

Dai Mei raised her eyebrows lightly, and Gu Ziwan smiled like a chicken thief.

"You know, my identity as a disciple, without a token, I can't go down the mountain..."

"Oh..." Dong Cunhe suddenly realized: "Stinky boy, you want to threaten me, and then let me take you down the mountain to drink?! Don't you know that Doulong Academy has rules that anyone, without the dean Hand order, don't go down the mountain in the middle of the night!!"

His expression calmed down a lot, and he continued to try the dust on the bookshelf with the whisk.

"My token can go down the mountain freely during the day, but at night..."

Gu Ziwan leaned against the bookshelf suddenly, tilted her head to one side and smiled hotly.

"Others can't do anything, but you, Uncle Dong, must have a way!!"

"Why? Look down on me so much..."

Her eyes flashed past Dong Cunhe's ears, and before she stepped forward, her voice was low——

"Because not everyone can get Aoki Immortal..."

Dong Cunhe's movements stopped abruptly, and he stood there silently for a while, with a deep breath.


Gu Ziwan pursed her lips and blew into his ear.

"The next time you change your face, remember to hide the black hair inside better..."

Dong Cunhe subconsciously touched the blown ear, and suddenly turned to look at Gu Ziwan, her pupils shrank.

"Don't be nervous, I don't care about your affairs, I'm not curious... I don't want to inquire, I just want to tell you that although the Qingmu Xianteng has a wonderful effect after being soaked in wine, it will emit a smell , this's like durian...Of course, you don't know what durian is, but that kind of mixed taste is very special, so it's easy to detect!!"

(End of this chapter)

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