Mad Queen

Chapter 1063

Chapter 1063

"Especially those flowers, which are so bright that they seem real. Even butterflies can't tell which one is real and which one is fake... In spring, when she sits in the sun, butterflies often fall to the pattern she embroiders..."

There was a gleam of light in Dong Cunhe's eyes, and a smile slowly faded from the corner of his mouth.

"Besides, the clothes she makes are close-fitting and comfortable, and the meals she makes are delicious and sweet..."

Gu Ziwan drank tea, looked at the light in his eyes, and suddenly smiled lightly.

"you like her……"

Dong Cunhe loosened his hand suddenly, and the teacup fell to the ground.


It shattered at the sound.

Ignoring the broken teacup, Dong Cunhe stood up with a heavy face: "What did you say?!"

The smile on the corners of Gu Ziwan's lips deepened, and she quietly drank tea: "You know what I'm talking about..."

Dong Cunhe was short of breath, his face turned slightly purple: "You are talking nonsense!!"

"Just talk nonsense, why are you panicking?!"

Gu Ziwan raised her eyes unhurriedly, and looked him up and down with a glint in her eyes.

"Looking at you like this, it's more like being told that you have left your mind and have a guilty conscience..."

Dong Cunhe breathed heavily, and immediately sat down with a cold face: "Wanzi, if you say something like this, it's okay to say it in front of me, but if it spreads, how can I behave?! I am a person of my age... "

Before she could finish speaking, she saw Gu Ziwan quietly turn to face him, picking her lips playfully.

"How old?? Shall I tear off your disguise and take a look?!"

Dong Cunhe→_→

He suddenly had a feeling that as long as he was talking with Gu Ziwan, he would always follow her thoughts involuntarily.

"I... I mean, in the eyes of ordinary people outside, I'm already old..."

"That's about the same!! If you say that you are old, then I have to take a good look...but..."

Gu Ziwan sat upright, drank tea and watched the play calmly.

"I'm curious, how long are you going to pretend to be crazy with me?!"

"You... what do you mean?!"

"Jun Xiangsi...wouldn't be as innocent as you said!!"

"how do you know?!"

"Because if she is really innocent, you won't cheat with me and cover up for her..."

Gu Ziwan glanced sideways and sneered.

"Haven't you heard that an explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth?! To be honest, I'm just a little more curious about Jun Acacia, and I don't have any other ideas... It's just that you talk about him so much to me, But it made me really doubt her..."



Gu Ziwan put down the teacup suddenly and stood there silently.

"Since you don't want to talk about it, I'll start from other channels..."

Sneering sneeringly, she glanced sideways.

"You don't really think that you are the only way I can go?!"


"If she is investigated by others, I'm afraid she will be thoroughly investigated. The information of the eight generations of her ancestors can be dug out..."

Gu Ziwan wanted to leave, but Dong Cunhe made a sudden move.


He grabbed it with one hand, and his fighting spirit exploded. He was clearly a low-level Dou Zun.


Gu Ziwan's shoulder was grabbed by Shen Shen.

She didn't resist, but stood calmly, with her head tilted slightly.

"It's not bad... A small book pavilion caretaker in Doulong Academy can be a low-level Dou Zun. If this is said, no one will believe it!!"

(End of this chapter)

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