Mad Queen

Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065

"What's the question?!" Gu Ziwan felt that it would not be a good question.

"He asked me... are you the real princess, or a fake..."

Gu Ziwan→_→

"He always feels that as a princess, he should be dignified and gentle, and be good at treating people, instead of your petty temper, who will strike at the slightest disagreement, and go to death..."

"You can't blame me for this..."

Gu Ziwan was very upset.

"Who told that Jiao Pingan to spy on me...Since Dean Ji asked that way, how did you reply?!"

"I didn't answer much, I just asked Ji Yunsheng... the traitor who was peeping at the princess and the concubine, should he be quartered by five horses, or hacked into pieces!!"

Xuanyuan Yutian's return was calm and breezy, but it was full of brutality.

Dare to spy on his woman! !

Destined to be worse than death! !
He wasn't there at the time, if he was here, Mie's Jiao Ping'an regretted being born by his parents.

"Then you are more ruthless than me!!"

Gu Ziwan was speechless, sat down at the table, and poured a cup of cold tea.

"Tell me, why did you come here in the middle of the night?"

Xuanyuan Yutian suddenly sat down beside her, squeezed into a chair with her, and rubbed her cheek.

"I miss you..."

"speak English!!"

Gu Ziwan suddenly blocked his face with one hand.

In the middle of the night, they are lonely men and widows, full of vigor.

If you are rubbing close to each other, if you don't keep them neatly, you will accidentally shoot your gun and get burned.

Immediately, he moved his buttocks and moved to another chair.

Before he could sit still, Xuanyuan Yutian's figure followed.

"You have something to say..."

She wanted to leave, but Xuanyuan Yutian stopped her with one hand and bound her in a chair.

"Wan Wan, it's hard for my husband to come here once, to see you once, why do you still refuse people thousands of miles away?! Are you coming here for a few days, and you meet a new love, so you don't want me as an old love?!"

"Xuanyuan Yutian, can you speak human language properly?!"

Gu Ziwan tried her best to look upright, but she didn't know that her serious appearance touched Xuanyuan Yutian's heart even more.

"This prince speaks human language, don't you understand? Or... this prince speaks some animal language and does some animal things?!"

He really pressed down on him, almost sticking to Gu Ziwan's plumpness.

"No, no, no... You are much better than beasts, so you don't have to do things that beasts are inferior to..."

Gu Ziwan tried hard to push him away.

"You talk about things first, talk about business..."

"The prince said something serious...I just miss you..."

No matter how Gu Ziwan pushed her, Xuanyuan Yutian hugged her shamelessly in his arms, but he was very polite and did not mess around.

He was strict, and Gu Ziwan didn't dare to move indiscriminately, lest the bullet be loaded, and it would be unlucky for herself.

With a dry smile, she aimed at Xuanyuan Yutian.

"Xuanyuan Yutian, you are such a busy person, you have always been in a came here to look for me, you definitely don't just miss me..."

"You say that, but you know my heart is so uncomfortable...It hurts so much!!"

Xuanyuan Yu innocently seemed to be distressed, and frowned, Gu Ziwan wanted to smooth the center of his brows.

"Okay, okay, it hurts, it hurts, I was wrong, I shouldn't be so heartless..."

"Then do you want me..." Xuanyuan Yutian seemed to be making progress.


Gu Ziwan was silent.

Xuanyuan Yutian didn't ask anymore, but looked sideways at her, with a slight smile on his lips, waiting for the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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