Mad Queen

1097 Marionette

1097 Marionette
Slightly looking sideways, Gu Ziwan's eyes faded out, "Brother Jiang, have you ever played with marionettes?!"

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, and they subconsciously looked at the two people on the ground.

Indeed, the actions of these two people are indeed like puppets being manipulated.

Jiang Shui's breathing was a little short, as if he understood something——

"A marionette?!"

"Yes! It's a puppet!! To put it simply and bluntly, the two little friends who are now with you are puppets!!"

Gu Ziwan turned her fingertips and pointed at Su Chong.

Su Chong was still in a daze at first, but at this moment, under the eyes of everyone, he still straightened his chest, looked very proud, and tightened the silver thread in his hand as if threatening.

"Have you seen it? The two threads in his hand are the threads that command these two people! Senior Brother Su Chong, did those two threads grow into your hands?!"

Su Chong lowered his head, only to find that the two threads that were originally wrapped around his fingers had penetrated into the skin at some point and merged with his body, which made him shake his hands away in shock.


Unexpectedly, when he moved, the two people on the ground also moved instantly, raised their right hands neatly, and made a gesture of shaking hands.

Su Chong's movements froze suddenly, and their movements also stopped suddenly.


Su Chong looked at his hand suddenly, understood something instantly, and couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, there is this function... This is fun..."

He tried to stroke the bun with his hands, and the two people on the ground also stroked the bun.

The three of them acted in unison, but Jiang Shui's face was extremely ugly.

"The art of metaphysics... you are a body of dual cultivation?!"

Gu Ziwan's intermediary Douhuang, they have only experienced it before!

In the blink of an eye, he actually played an inexplicable trick with them again.

It seems that there is trouble with this matter today.

"That's right! Brother Jiang, do you want to try again?!"

With a smile, Gu Zi slowly tore off the thread in his hand, wrapped it around his slender fingers a few times, and glanced at the men in black around him.

"Don't worry, the shark thread enters the body... You will definitely not have any pain!! Because at that time, you will no longer feel pain!!"

Her voice was cold and ruthless, as if she was talking about something calm and breezy.

Especially those eyes, revealing a coldness that penetrates directly into the heart.

It seems that as long as it is glanced at, it will be implanted with shark threads.

They can all see the lessons learned by those two people on the ground.

"Brother Maruko, why are you doing this?!"

Jiang Shui shook his arms, and his bones cracked.

"Tonight, we didn't want to kill, because there is no need to kill, but you insist on being bloody...In this case, we can only help you!"


The clothes on his back were cracked, and his bones arched backward like a deformity, revealing his strong muscles.

"He's going to transform..." Jun Xiangsi yelled suddenly, and at the same time kicked the man in black somewhere beside him, and he let go of Jun Xiangsi instantly with an "oh" in pain.

At this moment, the red light swirled from her palm, passed the rope on her arm, and cut it off with a "hiss".

"Gu Yan..."

Amidst the screams, Gu Yan slammed into the man in black beside him, and turned his bound arms to the direction of the red light.


The rope snapped.

"They're going to run..."

Several men in black screamed, and quickly grabbed Jun Xiangsi and Gu Yan again, and the two sides became a mess in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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