Mad Queen

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102
Looking at it with a sudden glance, his arms are like those of a giant ape, thick and long, especially those big hands, which seem to be able to crush a person's head with a slight pinch.

"King of Hades... since you want to choose to die a bit more tragically... then I will fulfill you!!"


He swung his arms in a circle, and a scorching white light glared out. The scorching Gu Ziwan couldn't help turning her head to the side, and closed her eyes.


The moment he closed his eyes, a crushing feeling hit his face.

In an instant, Gu Ziwan felt as if she had fallen into the deep sea and was completely suffocated.


The Blood Slaying Remnant Sword let out a trembling sound, and flew out in a whirl, like a sword shot out, it flew away with lightning speed, and shot towards the river.


Jiang Shui scolded and sneered, holding the light in his left hand and grabbing the blood-killing sword with his right.


The blood-killing sword was firmly grasped, and a lingering sword energy burst out, passing through his palm.


The pain pierced his body, and Jiang Shui roared, but he didn't let go of the blood-killing sword.

He knew very clearly——

This sword is Gu Ziwan's life-saving bargaining chip!
As long as the sword is in her hand, he can't hurt her.

But without the escort of this sword, then Gu Ziwan would be an ordinary mortal body.

In front of his half-dead body, Gu Ziwan's mortal body was like scum, powerless to deal with it.

Therefore, even though the blood-killing sword's fierce sword energy pierced his body, he still didn't let go.


Amidst the roar, bloody mouths exploded on his body like an explosion.

The bloody mouth opened ferociously, like a big mouth, trying to devour everything around it.

After her eyes got used to the white light, Gu Ziwan was able to open her eyes.

Although the white light is dazzling, everything is still not clear, but it can be seen in a hazy state.

Gently pull your fingertips, a drop of blood pops out, and then a symbol is drawn in the void,
The spell bloomed and turned into a red silk ribbon, which suddenly fell into Gu Ziwan's eyes.

When I stare again, everything around me becomes clearer.

I saw Jiang Shui's body bursting, but his left hand firmly grasped the blood-killing sword, allowing the blood to drip.

A smirk was released from the corner of Gu Ziwan's lips, her bright wrist was flipped, and the blood-killing sword was held in the air, and it swung suddenly.


The blood-slaughtering sword spun out of Jiang Shui's hand in an instant.


Layers of flesh and blood were peeled off with the rotation of the Blood Slaughter Remnant Sword.


Jiang Shui felt the pain and instinctively let go.

But after leaving the Blood Slaughter Remnant Sword, he grabbed it again and firmly grasped it with his sharp nails.

Gu Ziwan's pupils shrank!
She felt the confrontation of the blood-killing sword! !

Jiang Shui imprisoned it firmly in his fighting spirit.


Jiang Shui roared and glared at Gu Ziwan with bloodthirsty eyes.

"I can't fully release its power, don't deserve it!!"

Holding the blood-slaughtering sword, he retreated slowly, his eyes were extremely provocative.

As his strength tightened, the Blood Slaughter Remnant Sword also moved in his direction little by little.

"Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless... If you want it, then ask it..."

Gu Ziwan suddenly withdrew all her vindictiveness and let go.

Jiang Shui lost the strength to restrain him, suddenly lost his balance, and retreated.

In desperation, he put all his heart and soul into stabilizing his figure.

It was just this moment of distraction that the blood-killing and remnant sword violently rose, breaking through his restraints, whirling and whizzing up, slashing towards his wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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