Mad Queen

Chapter 1112 How did she do it

Chapter 1112 How did she do it

Su Chong also realized that his mouth was smelly, so he quickly slapped himself——

"I was talking nonsense, you..."

He suddenly widened his eyes and looked forward in disbelief——

"Look at..."

Gu Yan's heart trembled, and he didn't dare to turn his head for a while.

He was afraid of seeing the scene he least wanted to see! !
Just as he was gritting his teeth and wondering whether to turn around, he heard Xiang Zhu exclaim——

"My God... how did she do it?!"

Gu Yan turned his head in shock, only to see Gu Ziwan, covered in blood, looming from among the corpses all over the place.

Her hair was in a disheveled bun, and her body was covered in blood, like a god of death walking on the ancient battlefield, murderous every step of the way, reckless and unruly.

Behind her, Jiang Shui knelt on the ground, bleeding from his neck, and his eyes were still looking at Gu Ziwan's back unwillingly.


Gu Yan jumped up in surprise, rushed forward, hugged her with one hand, and hugged her forcefully in his arms.


Gu Ziwan groaned and frowned in pain.

Although life is safe at this time, the body damaged by the fire poison still needs time to repair itself.

Gu Yan's violent force was lucky not to knock her unconscious.

"Wan'er, how are you doing?!"

Gu Yan also realized his recklessness, and quickly released her.


She said it was fine, but Gu Ziwan fell down softly.


Gu Yan quickly picked her up.

"I'll send you to heal..."

Regardless of everyone's eyes, Gu Yan hugged Gu Ziwan tightly and flew away.

Behind him, Jun Xiangsi stood there with complicated eyes.

And some melon-eating people who don't know the truth are also talking about it——

"This Gu Yan and that Wanzi... seem to have a complicated relationship!!"

"Yeah! Look at the way he is holding her, as if he is holding a girl..."

"Tell me, do these two people have any love for each other..."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, who doesn't know that Gu Yan likes Jun Xiangsi..."


However, from Jun Acacia's expression, they felt that things were getting tricky.

Otherwise, Jun Xiangsi wouldn't have such an expression.

Su Chong looked at Gu Yan's back, and chased after Xiang Zhu in a few steps——

"Master Xiang, that...can I ask you a question?!"

Xiang Zhu's attention was all on Jiang Shui, so he said absent-mindedly, "Say!!"

"Do you know the relationship between Gu Yan and that ball...?"

Only Ji Yunsheng and others nearby knew what Gu Yan said in a hurry.

As for Su Chong and others, they didn't hear them because they were far away.

Seeing the intimacy between the two of them now, I naturally want to inquire about it out of curiosity.

Xiang Zhu suddenly turned his head and raised his eyebrows slightly: "How do I know?? Aren't you Gu Yan's good brother!? The kind who wears a pair of trousers... What? Don't you know?!"

"How would I know……"

"You don't even know, as the hall master, I see you once every three days, so naturally I don't know..."

Xiang Zhu pursed his lips and pointed to Ji Yunsheng in front of him.

"How about you go ask the dean... I think he knows something about his relationship with Gu Yanwanzi..."

The corner of Su Chong's mouth twitched suddenly: "Then...forget it!!"

He didn't have the guts to ask Ji Yunsheng such gossip! !

Even if you ask, you have to be turned into a grandson! !
"I... have time to ask Gu Yan!!"

Xiang Zhu was very cooperative: "Okay! When you find out the answer, you must tell me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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