Mad Queen

Chapter 1115 Meeting

Chapter 1115 Meeting

Xu Shi thought of the past, and a slight smile faded on Gu Yan's face——

"If you say that the meeting between me and Xiangsi is a know, Doulong Academy has an experience every year, and the content of the experience is different. For the last experience, I chose to go to Miaojiang to hunt Although I obtained its inner alchemy after killing the ferocious tiger beast, I was also seriously injured. When I came back, I encountered another heavy rain. When I was sheltering from the rain, I strayed into the Valley of Acacia—”


As the heavy rain fell, Gu Yan leaned on his horse.

The rain washed the wound on his body, turning into pink blood, dripping down the corner of his clothes.

Looking down at the wound, Gu Yan frowned.

If the wound was exposed to water, if he didn't deal with it in time, his body might not be able to bear it.

When I was thinking about finding a place to shelter from the rain, I heard the sound of wind chimes.

"Ding ding dong... tick tock..."

The rain beat on the wind chimes, and gradually came from behind him.

Gu Yan sat up straight with support, and looked sideways at the carriage passing by.

The curtain was lifted, and he saw a pair of clear eyes.

The moment he saw these eyes, he suddenly thought of Gu Ziwan, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth——

That girl doesn't know what's going on now!

Perhaps it was his smile that moved the people in the carriage. The curtains of the carriage were completely lifted, and a girl in a light blue dress handed over an umbrella.

"You have injuries on your body, it's not easy to get wet..."

"Thank you girl!"

Gu Yan didn't answer, but still politely bowed his head and thanked him.

"I'm already wet, so I don't care..."

The girl's eyes flickered, she hesitated for a moment, and finally threw the umbrella to Gu Yan.

"There will be a fork in the road ahead, you have to go left, don't go right..."

She got back into the carriage and told the driver to go quickly.

Looking at the back of the carriage, Gu Yan held the umbrella and shook his head: "This girl is really weird..."

However, she took her words to heart.

After a hundred meters, he saw a fork in the road.

The intersection on the left that the girl said was bare and there was nothing, but there was a mansion on the right that told him to walk cautiously.

From a distance, it can be seen that the manor is desolate, as if it had been abandoned for a long time.

Under the rainy weather, it was even more lifeless.

Gu Yan hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't listen to the girl's warning, and walked towards the manor on the right.

He just wanted to find a place to hide from the wind and rain and treat the wound.

In front of the mansion, there is a clear carriage rut, which should be the carriage of the girl just now.

Dismounting sideways, Gu Yan didn't take the liberty to knock on the door, but hid under the gate, shaking the rain off his face.

As soon as he stood still, he heard the sound of the door opening.

The person who opened the door was a [-]-year-old woman, fat and white, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes.

"Grandmother, I'm sorry, I'm just passing by. I just want to find this three-foot place to take shelter from the wind and rain. When the wind and rain are calmer, I will leave... I will never disturb..."

Gu Yan folded his fists and bowed, but found that he was still holding the umbrella in his hand, and felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing the umbrella, the woman's expression was visibly shocked, and then she glanced at Gu Yan again before she smiled.

"The visitor is a guest, not to mention the wind and rain. If the young master doesn't dislike the shabbyness of my manor, come in and have a sip of hot tea to drive away the cold..."

"no need……"

"Mommy, are there any guests?!"

With the tender laughter, a light blue figure appeared behind the old lady, it was the girl in the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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