Mad Queen

Chapter 1117 Portrait

Chapter 1117 Portrait
"Don't know?? If you don't know, I will pick you up!?"

Dong Cunhe turned his head sideways, and spoke coldly.

"You drank the medicine, I still have a lot of things to do, I don't have time to chat with you here..."

Gu Yan——

hell! !

How did he offend him? !
If he was offended, why did he save him again? !
But seeing the impatience on Dong Cunhe's face, Gu Yan still drank the scalding medicine, his tongue felt bubbly.

Seeing that Dong Cunhe packed up the medicine bowl and was about to leave, he hurriedly said, "Where is... the lovesick... who saved me? I want to thank her face to face..."

"She's gone to fly, she'll be back in a while, you just wait here..."


What kind of bird is flying?

Gu Yan immediately looked at the birdcages under the corridor——

Shouldn't we go for a bird walk? !
He just turned around and asked, but Dong Cunhe disappeared without knowing when.

"What a weirdo..."

In the past two days, how did he meet all the weird people? !
After turning around, Gu Yan was really bored, so he sat down in front of the easel, and used that outline to draw his own appearance bit by bit.

"what are you doing?!"

A yell came, and Gu Yan was so startled that he almost dropped the charcoal ink pen and stood up in surprise.

However, due to the excessive force, the wound on the waist was involved, and he gasped in pain, fell back to his seat, and knocked over the easel.

"Are you OK……"

Gu Yan's expression suddenly froze as the corner of his light blue clothes came into his eyes.

Lifting his head suddenly, he met a pair of familiar eyes.

"It's you?!"

He almost jumped up in surprise.

Surprisingly, it was the woman in Tsing Yi who gave him the umbrella that day and wanted to go back.

"You saved me??"

Jun Acacia was about to speak, but Mammy looked at the easel on the ground as if she had seen a ghost.


Gu Yan hurriedly lowered his head, seeing the easel still lying on the ground, he quickly picked it up and handed it to Jun Xiangsi.

"Girl... I'm really sorry, I didn't draw it on purpose, but I just drew a few strokes randomly because I saw half of the portrait on it..."

Jun Xiangsi and Namu looked at the portrait in horror, as if they were petrified.

Gu Yan followed the line of sight of the two, feeling that he had caused trouble in his heart, and quickly wiped his graffiti with his sleeve.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, did I cause a catastrophe? Well, I can pay for this canvas..."

Mommy immediately glared at her and said, "Pay, what do you use to compensate? Do you know this is..."

"Mommy!!" Jun Xiangsi shouted suddenly, and her breathing became obviously much faster.

She glanced at Gu Yan charmingly, took the easel, and tilted her head slightly.

"It's okay here, you go and get busy first..."



Mommy wanted to say something, but finally she gave Gu Yan a bitter look, turned and left.

Gu Yan was even more embarrassed by the look: "Miss Acacia, this...look at's all my fault, how could I be so cheap?! And..."

He looked at the easel and wanted to slap himself twice for a moment.

He has never liked self-portraits, and he is not good at self-portraits. How could he draw a portrait of himself when his head gets hot all of a sudden? !

Jun Xiangsi put the easel down, stroked the canvas with her fingertips, and walked on the cheeks of the person on the painting.

"Do you know what this is?!"

The corner of Gu Yan's mouth twitched: "Although I don't know, I can guess must be very important to you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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