Mad Queen

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135 Didn't come back
"What are you doing??"

On the map of Fubaosha, where Acacia Jun is located, there is no intention to turn back to Doulong Academy, but to continue forward.

"They didn't come back?!"

Counting the time, with the guidance of the paper crane, Gu Yan should have arrived.

Now that we have arrived, there is no reason to continue to move forward, and there is no meaning of turning back.

"Could it be that...Jun Xiangsi doesn't want to hurt brother, doesn't want to come back?!"

With cold eyes, she flipped her wrist, and lightly tapped a drop of blood with her fingertips, drawing a talisman in the void.


A puff of white smoke broke out from the talisman, appeared in front of Gu Ziwan, and slowly condensed into a paper crane.

"Xiao He, tell me, what did you see..."

She turned the blood talisman into the body of the little paper crane.

The paper crane once again melted into smoke, entering Gu Ziwan's slightly closed eyes.


Her eyes suddenly opened: "The scorching sun?!"


In the turbulent river, a painting boat drifts with the current, swaying slowly.

"let me go……"

Gu Yan was tightly bound and thrown on the deck.

Before he could finish speaking, someone slapped his face severely.


A mouthful of blood flew out, and he also fell out.

"My surname is Gu, I advise you to be more sensible and don't go looking for it yourself!!"

The person who hit him was a middle-aged man with his upper body bare, and he was swinging a four-finger-wide piece of firewood in his hand.

Beside him, there were four equally strong men.

Each of them has such a thick wooden board in their hands.

"Our valley owner said, if you dare to move, hit hard!! Wherever you move, hit you!! If you move your mouth, we will hit your mouth. If you move your hand, your hand will be broken. You are welcome..."

Gu Yan spat out a mouthful of bruises, and looked at each other coldly: "Let your Valley Master come out, if there is anything, come to me..."

"My surname is Gu, you really think highly of yourself!! Our Valley Master doesn't have time to talk to you right now...he's in a hurry for the bridal chamber..."

"He dares to..."

Gu Yan got up with a roar, but was hit by the boards around him.

"Gu Yan, you still dare to move!!"

"You should take care of yourself first!!"

"The owner of the valley said, if you dare to disobey, I will kill you first!!"


The whipping with the board didn't stop Gu Yan from resisting, on the contrary, it made him even more uninhibited.

"Then come... if you have the ability, kill me first..."

"What are you arguing about?!"

With a scolding sound, Gu Yan was kicked hard in the chest.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

He was also kicked hard into the corner.

"Gu Yan, your cultivation has been imprisoned by our valley master. I advise you not to struggle needlessly, lest they hurt you with heavy hands..."

"Cough cough..."

Gu Yan coughed, staggered to his feet, looked up with a sneer.

"Miss Jiaoyue... why are you so kind, and still persuade me... to care about my life and death!! I'm dead, isn't it just what you want?!"

Jiaoyue stood up with an evil smile, looked down at him condescendingly, and looked at him with disdain: "Gu Yan!! Do you think that this girl liked you when she was kind to you in Xiangsi Valley?! That's because she didn't want to fulfill Jun Xiangsi and let her It's just a matter of pride...and!!"

She flicked her skirt lightly, squatted down beside Gu Yan, and raised his chin wantonly with her fingertips.

"My girl's current man, in terms of looks, is much better than you... So, there is no need to keep you any longer!!"

(End of this chapter)

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