Mad Queen

Chapter 1137 Test 1

Chapter 1137 Test it

Now that Gu Yan said it, his heart became even more vivid.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and quietly put down the things in your hands.

At that moment, Gu Yan also saw a ball of flames coming from the sky.

Under the night sky, the fire was like a meteor trailing the ground, coming quickly.


His pupils shrank suddenly.

She came after all! !
And the men beside him also sensed something was wrong, and instantly looked up.

After seeing the fire across the air, everyone was horrified——

"what is that?!"

"Why is there a fire?"


Anyway, no matter what it is, visually, it doesn't look like a good thing.

Inside the cabin—


Jun Xiangsi was thrown heavily on the floor, and before she could get up, she was grabbed by the scorching sun, slammed it against the cabin door with her backhand, and pressed her hard with her elbow.

"Jun Xiangsi, you can really hide!! If Jiang Shui hadn't died here, I wouldn't have known that you were capable of reaching the sky, and you actually hid in Doulong Academy!!"

Jun Xiangsi turned her eyes away, not looking at his face.

That scorching sun suddenly sneered, grabbed her cheek and turned around, meeting her eyes firmly.

"What? Don't dare to look at my face?"

On the scorching sun's face, there was a half mask covering the left half of his face.

And on the back of his hand pinching Jun Xiangsi's cheek, there were also scars.

"It seems that you know how my injuries came about..."

He gritted his teeth and stared at her eyes bitterly.

"That's right!! This is all thanks to your lover!!"

That day, when Gu Yan fired the gunpowder, he didn't think too much about it.

Almost instinctively, he raised his hand to grab it.

He never dreamed that at the moment he grasped it, a violent impact and a bright flame rushed towards his face.

The fierce power and firepower are simply unbearable for him.

After that "boom", that scorching sun felt a little pain in his body.

This painful feeling seemed to bloom in an instant, spreading to his whole body in an instant.

At that moment, he lost all feeling.

After opening his eyes again, he saw his disfigured self.

It was from this moment that Jun Xiangsi and Gu Yan became his sworn enemies.

"Jun Xiangsi, don't worry, I won't do anything to you...but I really want to know, you've been in the cabin for so long...what will he think of you?!"

The scorching sun tilted his head slightly, his eyes were a little more crazy.

"Why don't we test it?!"

Jun Xiangsi instantly understood what he meant, and her eyes suddenly became horrified: "What do you want?"

"What do you say?!"

The scorching sun suddenly grabbed Jun Xiangsi's right shoulder shirt and tore it off violently.



Jun Xiangsi screamed in shock, but shut up.

She knew that the more she yelled, the more worried Gu Yan became.

The scorching sun smiled and pulled Jun Acacia's clothes, revealing a piece of Shengxue's skin.

on deck—


The cabin door was kicked open, instantly attracting the attention of Gu Yan and others.

They also didn't care about the fire in the sky, and turned their heads to look at it in surprise.

I saw Jun Xiangsi walking out with disheveled clothes and messy hair, pinched by the scorching sun.


Gu Yan let out a heart-piercing roar, and suddenly stood up to go forward, but was suddenly suppressed by the scorching sun with a single hand.


He crashed back onto the side of the boat.

When his cultivation base was at its peak, he was not the opponent of that scorching sun, let alone now that his acupoint is sealed, imprisoning his battle qi.

(End of this chapter)

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