Mad Queen

Chapter 1141

Chapter 1141

Gu Yan fell heavily, extremely embarrassed.

However, he also took the opportunity to roll towards Jun Xiangsi, and kicked the nearest man awe-inspiringly.

"Go away!!"

Although he only used brute force and didn't use fighting spirit, but because of Gu Ziwan's existence, that person was already guilty, so he didn't have the heart to fight.

Taking advantage of Gu Yan's kick, he took advantage of the momentum to get out of the way.


He screamed in pain, as if he had been seriously injured.

Gu Yan held Jun Xiangsi in his arms, and looked around with sinister eyes.

"Still leaving!!"

Those people seemed to understand immediately, glanced at the scorching sun, and found that he was looking at Gu Ziwan, as if he had no time to pay attention to them, all of them screamed "Oh" in pain, and imitated the way to get out of the way.

In mid-air, Gu Ziwan spun and fell, her skirt fluttering and her black hair flying.

That scorching sun's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he shot out with a sneer, his vindictiveness surged, like a swimming dragon, he rushed out.

Since the other party came to find fault and trouble him, there was no need for him to wait for her to calm down and take a breath before doing anything.

Right now, Gu Ziwan is in the air and has nowhere to draw her strength, so it happens to be a great opportunity for him to make a move! !
The vindictiveness of the scorching sun exploded, and Gu Ziwan's eyes couldn't help being cut.

In this vindictiveness, there is actually that faint blue color.

Just like her Fanzhu, it seems that the vindictiveness of the scorching sun is not pure.

However, the fighting spirit soared, and Gu Ziwan had no time to think about it.

Hao's wrist flipped over, fused with the battle energy of the Fanzhu, and suddenly soared up.


In the whistling, the Blood Slaughter Remnant Sword pierced through the air and came out of the clouds, turning into a sharp sword, piercing through the golden color, and killing it ruthlessly.

At the moment she shot, the fire dragon in the sky also roared and plummeted down.


The roar was deafening.

"Dragon God..."

Gu Yan was overjoyed and hurriedly beckoned him to come over.


The fire dragon fell to the ground, and the scorching flame instantly ignited the two men around who had no time to escape.


They were on fire, screaming and jumping into the water.

It is better to be drowned than to be burned.

"Dragon God, this way..."

Gu Yan shielded Jun Xiangsi with his body so that she would not be touched by the flames.

"Hey - he is a dragon!!"

Shenlong was full of displeasure! !

That cowardly Dragon God, how could he have such a flamboyant appearance? !
That guy is also someone's cute pet, watching the children and teasing them on weekdays.

If it is about killing and cutting decisively, it has to be Shenlong.

With such an obvious difference, Gu Yan, a half-hearted master, still made a mistake, which really made Shenlong very upset.


"It doesn't matter anymore!! Whether it is Shenlong or Dragon God, whoever you love is whoever you love... Now you take care of her, and I will save her..."

Gu Yan was originally a slightly nervous person, so he didn't realize where Shenlong's displeasure was at all.

He got up to leave, but Jun Xiangsi grabbed his wrist.


Gu Yan's heart softened instantly, and he gently caressed her cheek.

"Dong Cunhe and others are still locked up below, I'm going to rescue them..."

Jun Acacia answered with lowered eyes, and hugged him gently.

"Be careful..."

Watching Gu Yan enter the cabin, Jun Xiangsi hobbled up and smiled at Shenlong to show her friendliness.

Knowing that Shenlong tilted his head and looked at her, before she could stand up, he suddenly stepped forward, so startled that Jun Xiangsi quickly retreated.


She hit the back of the ship's side, and there was no way back.

(End of this chapter)

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