Mad Queen

Chapter 1177 It Wasn't Me, It Was It

Chapter 1177 It Wasn't Me, It Was It
"Biological reproduction is the life given to this world by the heavens... The birth of any life is the continuation of the blood, and destroying this continuation is equivalent to self-destruction...God can't tolerate it!!"

Killing is the law of survival of the weak and the strong.

But killing women and children and the weak will be punished by God!

This is God's unique means of protecting the weak! !
Gu Ziwan's hands slowly covered the belly of the beast.

"It's about to give birth...that's why it's so manic..."

"I'm going to give birth?!"

Xuanyuan Che was taken aback, and hurriedly raised his arms and shouted.

"What are you still waiting for? Hurry up and call the veterinarian..."

The surrounding disciples were ordered to run around in an instant, calling for the veterinarian.

"That's too late……"

Gu Ziwan looked inside the internal condition of the beast with divine sense, and suddenly pushed Xuanyuan Che away.

"Go to the back kitchen and find Jun Xiangsi, just say I'm looking for her..."

"Jun Acacia?!"

Xuanyuan Che frowned.

"How about I help you?!"

"You...what do you know?!" Gu Ziwan's black eyebrows suddenly sank: "Hurry up!!"

Xuanyuan Che gritted his teeth, and finally flew away, heading towards the kitchen.


Blood Slaughter Remnant Sword made a move, stabbing obliquely into the ground.

The viviparous beast is viviparous, and according to the results of her examination, it is still a bit malpositioned.

I don't know if I can survive it! !
Not long after, Jun Acacia rushed over: "What's wrong? What happened?!"

"You helped me deliver the baby..."


Jun Xiangsi subconsciously looked at Gu Ziwan with a complicated expression.

Gu Ziwan was speechless: "I didn't give birth, it gave birth!!"

"Oh..." Jun Xiangsi breathed a sigh of relief, and really patted her chest: "I was scared to death... I really thought you..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that what he said was inappropriate, so he could only smile sarcastically.

"I...I don't know how to deliver babies..."

"I do not know either!!"


Jun Acacia turned pale instantly.

She thought that Gu Ziwan would deliver the baby, so she asked her to help.

But who knew, it was also a chick!
"Then...then how do we start now?! I have never had a child..."

Not to mention delivery, they have never even seen a child, how can they intervene? !
Although Gu Ziwan has never seen it, she has trained it!
At the beginning, as a member of the task force, delivering babies and suturing wounds were compulsory basic medical courses.

Therefore, it is always good to draw a ladle according to the gourd!
"I said, you do it!!"

"it is good……"

As soon as Jun Xiangsi finished speaking, she heard the trembling roar of the raccoon beast.

"here we go……"

Gu Ziwan checked the contractions of the raccoon beast, holding the sword in her right hand.

Jun Xiangsi was a little confused: "Didn't you say... you are going to deliver the baby? Why are you still using a sword?!"

She couldn't help but think of when she had a baby! !

If someone stood by his side with such a sword, the child would probably shrink back in fright.

"The womb is not good, the position is not right, I'm afraid it won't be born... If it doesn't work, I have to cut open its stomach and take the little raccoon out..."


Jun Xiangsi felt pain inexplicably, and looked at Wei Li Beast embarrassingly, full of sympathy.

"It is also pitiful, it has to suffer such a crime..."

Gu Ziwan glanced at her, but said nothing.

Humans and beasts are the same at this time.

It is always equivalent to stepping into the gate of hell!
The fearful raccoon roared even louder, and its whole body trembled unceasingly.

(End of this chapter)

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