Mad Queen

Chapter 1197 The Judge

Chapter 1197 The Judge
Gu Ziwan didn't want to stay here anymore, because she felt like a joke in front of Xuanyuan Yutian.

She has always been Feng Yao's stand-in, and it's ridiculous that she thought she was his true love.

Running wildly all the way, Gu Ziwan rushed out almost hysterically.

If there is no goal, there is a way to go.

She had only one thought—

Leave Xuanyuan Yutian.

Leaving this man who she used to be proud of, but now is as sharp as a sharp knife.

Just thinking about him, she felt that she was bruised and bruised, and her heart ached.

Can't think!
Can't think about it! !

Gu Ziwan forced herself to abandon all thoughts, to scatter all the consciousness in her mind, and just ran forward blindly.

No matter what is ahead, as long as there is a way, she will go.

Force yourself not to think, just go blindly.

Even if you go to the ends of the earth, never look back.


She tripped over something under her feet and fell out.

Gu Ziwan didn't struggle, just let herself fall out and landed hard.

pain! !

It hurts all over my body!
But still nothing compared to the pain in my heart!

Tears burst and slid down his cheeks.

She just lay on the ground like that, without getting up, sobbing and crying.

After an unknown amount of time, she felt the ground shake.

Someone is coming.

"Girl, are you okay?!"

The soft voice is gentle and friendly.

A hand wrapped around her shoulder, but she shook it off with one hand.

She doesn't need anyone's sympathy and help.


Gu Ziwan staggered and sat up, her body was covered with dirt and grass.

"Hehe, look at your fall... Why don't you walk on a good road?!"

Seeing the mud all over her face and the grass on her head, the man couldn't help laughing.

Gu Ziwan's eyes were swollen, and the tears mixed with the mud made her face blurred, which was quite funny.

"What's so funny?! Have you never seen a woman cry?"

"It's the first time I've seen you crying so embarrassingly like you..."

The man was dressed in white, elegant as a fairy, his eyes curved into crescent moons when he smiled, he was very cute.

"In Pluto's Palace, there are very few women...there are even fewer women crying...have you been bullied?"

He was curious as to what kind of girl she had to cry so her face was covered in mud and she couldn't see her face.

Gu Ziwan stood up and wiped off the dirt on her face with her sleeve: "I want you to take care of it!"

After a quick wipe, the man's smile froze suddenly, and he looked into her eyes again, asking a little more.

"You... Girl, have we met somewhere?"

Gu Ziwan's hand rubbing her cheeks froze suddenly, and she looked at the man's eyes with even more hostility: "Isn't the way you strike up a conversation with a girl a little old-fashioned?!"


Xuanyuan Yutian's voice suddenly rose behind Gu Ziwan, and before she could turn around, she was already stopped by a figure.

"Why are you here?"

Xuanyuan Yutian's voice was cold and his eyes were gloomy, which was in stark contrast to the sunshine of the man in front of him.

"Why are you here? Lord Pluto has not dealt with political affairs for so many days, and the public cases below have piled up like a mountain. As a deputy, I should come up to care about you, but..."

The judge turned his head to look at Gu Ziwan behind Xuanyuan Yutian.

"I just didn't expect the adults to be here..."

"none of your business!"

Xuanyuan Yutian blocked Gu Ziwan behind him, without revealing anything, full of hostility, as if he was afraid that the judge would come up and snatch his woman.

(End of this chapter)

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