Mad Queen

Chapter 1206 Soul Locking Chain

Chapter 1206 Soul Locking Chain

Got it! !
If they saw her, Bao Buqi would be arrested as a wandering ghost! !

Before she had time to think about it, Gu Ziwan turned around and ran away.

Who knew that he would come back if he didn't run away, and the change in breath immediately attracted the attention of those black and white impermanence.

"Hey...why does it smell like a living person..."

"Damn! Only ghosts have entered our palace of the underworld, no one, where are the living people?!"

"It's true, if you don't believe me, you can hear it..."

"Smell what, even if there is, it is a ghost that has escaped, first arrest it, and send it to the Temple of the Underworld..."


Among the shrill chirping, the voice behind Gu Ziwan became more and more clear.

The wind was blowing, and the cold air invaded the bones.

The never-before-seen coldness surrounded Gu Ziwan in an instant, and in an instant, it seemed that her bones were bubbling with cold air.

"Bold, where did the lonely ghost come from, dare to trespass in the palace of the underworld?! Hurry up and catch him without a fight!!"

The sharp scream pierced Gu Ziwan's ears like needles.


She hummed around, her bones seemed to be aching all over her body.

What's worse, her body seemed to have fallen into the icy water tens of degrees below zero in an instant, and she couldn't move anymore.


The sound of chains came to her ears, and a circle of chains was put on her body.

The lock of the chain was tightened, and she flew up.

Gu Ziwan's eyes darkened, and a spell suddenly appeared from her fingertips, which hit the chain suddenly.


The chain broke instantly.

She landed deeply.

Before she could stand still, there were already figures flickering around.

Looking intently, I saw black and white impermanence standing around her.

The first person held a chain with black light shining in his hand.

Around the chains, there is a black mist, and the graphics change from time to time, changing into the appearance of a human head and a skeleton from time to time.

The scary thing is that these human-headed skeletons opened their mouths one by one, as if they were screaming silently, struggling to die.

"Soul lock chain!"

Gu Ziwan took a step back alertly.

What locked her just now was just an ordinary chain.

If she is locked by this soul chain, she will not be able to break free.

The soul lock chain is designed to lock the soul.

Whether it is a human or a demon, as long as it is locked by a soul chain, even if the soul is branded, it cannot escape.

"It's really a living person..."

That Black and White Impermanence trembled and looked Gu Ziwan up and down.

"Who are you, how did you enter our Yin Division Hall?!"

Yin Division Hall? !

Gu Ziwan just remembered this term! !
In Hades Palace, she seems to have heard Concubine Yang say that the Yin Division Palace is too dark, so don't enter it easily.

Could it be that she accidentally entered the realm of the Temple of the Underworld, thus entering the underworld? !
Why didn't she feel anything at all? !
"What? Can't you understand our big brother's question!?"

The other Black and White Wuchang seemed to be angry, and the chain in his hand rattled.

"Brother, what's the point of talking to her, just lock her up!"

Gu Ziwan's eyes fell on that black and white impermanence: "Black and white impermanence... Is there a big brother too?!"

Black and white impermanence collective black face →_→

What is this answer? !

That's not the question they're asking, is it? !
It was the one called Big Brother, who turned his head with great interest, with a faint smile: "Why can't Black and White Impermanence have a Big Brother? They respect me, so they call me Big Brother..."

"It's also..." Gu Ziwan muttered with sideways eyes: "Actually, you are just like ghosts, you are all evolved from someone..."

(End of this chapter)

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