Mad Queen

Chapter 1270 Nothing Matters

Chapter 1270 Nothing Matters

Mu Shuiyi's expression suddenly became alert, and he took a step back suspiciously.

"Who are you? How do you know who I am?!"

The coachman was wearing a low bamboo hat, which covered most of his face, making it impossible to see his features clearly.

But when he lowered his head, Mu Shuiyi saw the shoes on his feet.

Those are official boots!

This person is on errand!

The coachman lightly supported the bamboo hat, lowering the edge even more.

"Miss Mu, I was ordered by the prince to pick up the girl..."

Mu Shuiyi's eyes moved greatly: "My lord, which lord?!"

"Prince Che!!"

Mu Shuiyi took a deep breath, and suddenly looked around.

After making sure no one was paying attention to her, she opened the curtain and got in.

Only Xuanyuan Che could know that she came to the capital!

It's just that he didn't expect that he would find her so quickly.

The carriage did not go to Prince Che's mansion, but went out of the city gate and went straight to a crop field.

Looking at the crops outside the car window, she couldn't help knocking on the car body.

"Where are you taking me?"

The coachman didn't speak, but raised his whip even faster.

Mu Shuiyi hesitated for a while, and finally opened the curtain of the car.


"Shut up!"

The coachman reined in suddenly, expressionless.

"Girl, please get out of the car!"

On the left side of the path, there is a dilapidated melon shed.

Under the melon shed, there is a person sitting.

Splendid boa robes and golden crowns with black hair.

The beautiful face is even more graceful in this dilapidated world.

"Prince Che..."

Mu Shuiyi's breathing suddenly became faster, and she subconsciously straightened her bun before jumping off the carriage and walking towards Xuanyuan Che.


The corner of Xuanyuan Che's mouth curled into a sharp arc, he put away something on the stone pier, smiled and got up,


He opened his arms, handsome like a banished fairy in the sky, causing Mu Shuiyi's heart to ripple instantly.

After taking two quick steps, she couldn't wait to throw herself into Xuanyuan Che's arms.


Xuanyuan Che's arms hugged Mu Shuiyi tightly, as if hugging his long-lost lover.

"Yiyi, I miss you..."

"Me too... I thought, after the last goodbye, you forgot about me..."

Mu Shuiyi sniffed Xuanyuan Che's unique scent, her heart was rippling.

"Ache, how did you know that I came to the capital..."

"What do you say?!"

Xuanyuan Che's fingers gently slid across her hair and landed on her waist.

"In my heart, all the time, all I think about is you... Do you think I don't know your whereabouts?!"

Mu Shuiyi was full of happiness and snuggled into his arms tightly.

She didn't have any doubts about Xuanyuan Che's words.

No matter how much you want to think about it, a person who has no profound skills and can't spy on other people's traces, is there any way to find her in the shortest time without surveillance and tracking? !
However, at this moment, Mu Shuiyi was completely immersed in Xuanyuan Che's sweet words.

She didn't have the extra thought to think about the key points, nor did she want to think about it.

To her, what he said was what he said.

Nothing else matters.

It doesn't matter whether it is heavy or not.

"Ah Che, originally I wanted to take a look at Senior Sister before going to you...but..."

Mu Shuiyi thought of that weird scene, and for a moment didn't know how to tell Xuanyuan Che.

"what happened?"

Xuanyuan Che was keenly aware of Mu Shuiyi's hesitation, and gently let her go, but still held her in his arms, twirling her hair around her ears with his fingertips.

(End of this chapter)

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