Mad Queen

Chapter 1279 Draw It Out

Chapter 1279 Draw It Out

Prodigal! !

The master of their family is a prodigal! !
But because I couldn't find the pen and ink for a while, I actually scribbled on such a fine silk and satin.

Violence! !
pity! !
While speechless, he looked at Gu Ziwan's painting.

But then, he realized something was wrong, and his expression changed slightly.

What Gu Ziwan drew was a nine-story star building.

"Miss, you are a pretty good painter...but you can draw such a look just by looking at it..."

Flattering, Jian Shisan was also carefully trying to figure out her expression, watching her words and expressions.

Okay, what did she draw the nine-story star building for? !

However, after that, his expression became even more wrong! !

Because the nine-storey star building that Gu Ziwan painted has never been built outside.

In other words, there are more nine-story star buildings drawn by Gu Ziwan than those built outside!


How did she know? !

"Miss... don't scare me..."

Although I know that Gu Ziwan has the ability to communicate with ghosts and gods, but seeing her use the ability of the prophet is really shocking.

Gu Ziwan ignored Jian Shisan from the beginning to the end, but relied on that non-existent memory to draw the nine-story star building.

She didn't sit up panting until it was finally over.

"Emma... no, I'm exhausted..."

Rubbing her waist, she looked at the nine-story star building on the silk cloth in front of her, her eyebrows frowned.

" did you draw it?"

Jian Shisan twitched awkwardly.

"Did you...remember something?!"


"No??" Jian Shisan had a dog's look on his face.

Can you still draw these things? !
"I don't know, how did I draw it!!"

This is exactly what made Gu Ziwan feel incredible.

In her mind, there is no picture of the nine-story star building.

However, she just let herself go and drew it like this! !

Gu Ziwan's carriage stayed for too long, and it had already attracted the attention of the warlord of the Nine-story Star Building.

A general in black armor came quickly with more than a dozen soldiers.

"Who are you? How dare you stop here?!"

Gu Ziwan frowned, and put away the silk cloth: "Jian Shisan, you deal with it!"


Jian Shisan flew away and played Gu Fu's waist card.

"It's our lady! I passed by by chance, and I was curious, so I looked at it for a while!"

In fact, when he walked in, the general recognized Jian Shisan without showing his badge.

Gu's sword thirteen is more famous than the third-rank generals in the court.

It can be said that there are very few slaves of the rich and powerful in the entire capital who do not know him.

"It turned out to be Brother Jian, brother offended..."

"It's okay, you are also doing your own duty, what is your duty..."

"Where is that lady?"

"Brother, don't worry, my lady won't blame you... that's right!!"

Jian Shisan greeted the general and took two steps to one side, lowered his voice,

"Brother is curious to ask something... How did you build this nine-story star building so quickly? I don't know who the supervisor is?! Seriously, a building this tall, if it is built, it will be built!"

The general didn't dare to offend the people in the Gu family, so he had to tell the truth in every detail,
"Brother Jian, to be honest, it's better for you not to inquire about the matter here... To be honest, I don't even know what's going on. The left and right are just what the above say, so we will do it!!"

(End of this chapter)

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