Mad Queen

Chapter 130

Chapter 130
But these people don't! !

They completely lost consciousness, like walking dead without consciousness.

no! !
If he continues to spend time with these people, even if he can't kill him, he will be exhausted! !

36 meter, go first! !
Xu Dongsheng quickly analyzed the situation in his heart and realized that things were not good for him.

Immediately, he knocked one person away, cut his palm with a knife, and swayed blood.


A white light burst out of his eyes instantly, like a sharp knife, splitting the person in front of him.


Blood splattered.

Before Gu Ziwan could react, his figure had disappeared.

"Run away??" Gu Ziwan's eyes darkened.

Xu Dongsheng's escape will be her biggest safety hazard! !


The crisp snap of fingers resounded in the air, but it was like a thunderbolt, which exploded in everyone's ears in an instant.

"What's going on?" Everyone stopped and looked at the blood on their bodies for no reason.

"We just now..." Shang Yin was the first to react, and suddenly looked at Gu Ziwan: "You used the soul-stirring technique on us?!"

Gu Ziwan stared, then raised her lips coldly: "What do you think?!"


Falling Dao knocked over a table, and finally sat down on the stool, with tears flowing from his closed eyes.

"Gu Ziwan, what's wrong with my eyes?"

"do not know!!"

Gu Ziwan didn't care about what happened to them now, she had to find and kill Xu Dongsheng first.

Otherwise, he would definitely bite her back.

Until then, I'm afraid things will go bad! !

Turning over and crossing the table, she patted Quan Yuan on the shoulder.

"After cleaning up here, I will come to you at night!!"

Not caring about anything else, she rushed home, causing people to quickly recall her memories.

Xu Dongsheng knew who she was, and had suffered at her hands, so he definitely wouldn't let it go.

With his shameless behavior, if he can't succeed against her, he will definitely attack her family.

Gu Niancheng came in a hurry: "Lin Lang..."

He only heard that Gu Ziwan was in a hurry to find him, so he thought something had happened to Hua Linlang, so he went straight to his wife as soon as he came.

"Niancheng..." Hua Linlang stood up and greeted her with her arms around her waist.

"Are you OK?!"


Gu Niancheng looked his wife up and down several times, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Wan'er, you scared me to death, I thought something happened!"

"Father, please take a look at me when you come back..." Gu Ziwan knocked on the table in displeasure.

It is said that the daughter is the little lover of father's previous life, but her lover is here, and father has only set eyes on her until now.

"Look at you, look at you, you are Daddy's little baby, so of course I want to see you!" Gu Niancheng smiled and picked her up, and sat on his lap: "But your mother is Daddy's big baby, so you have to watch her, right?" ?!"

Gu Ziwan: "..."

They are old couples, do you want to be so bloody? !

Hua Lin's face was full of embarrassment: "Niancheng, what are you talking about in front of the child?!"

Gu Ziwan: "..."

Come on!
Look at the spring breeze and peach blossom color on your face, enjoy it properly, how can there be any sense of blame? ?

"Father, mother, please consider the feeling of being single, please?! It's really not possible, you two will go back to the room and show slowly, now I still have business!!"

She jumped off her father and said solemnly: "Father, mother, something happened, you have to move!!"

Gu Niancheng and Hua Linlang's expression was startled, and they looked at each other for some reason.

"Move?? Where to move??"

(End of this chapter)

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