Mad Queen

Chapter 1301 A long-planned trap

Chapter 1301 A Long-planned Trap
Gu Ziwan sat down on the bed slowly, her eyes wandering over her.

"And you... you are the empress, so the senior sister will naturally come over to congratulate you..."


Mu Shuiyi sensed something was wrong, and his eyes changed abruptly.

" Your memory..."

"Memory is a thing, if you lose it... naturally you will gain it! I have amnesia, and I am not a reincarnated person. My soul changes, and I will completely forget some things... Besides, some things will never be forgotten!"

Gu Ziwan brushed the queen's phoenix robe on one side with her fingertips, her eyes were cold.

"The queen... is another woman who was bewitched by the queen..."

In the world, how many women want this honor.

But no one saw the price to be paid after this honor.

"Sister, you..."

Mu Shuiyi panted and sat up, like an old woman in her dying years, old and weak.

"You... do you... know something?"

"what do you know?"

Gu Ziwan didn't turn her head, her voice was cold and heartless.

"Know that you will end up like this? Or do you know that Xuanyuan Che will ascend to the throne of God?!"

Mu Shuiyi's ending was completely within her expectations.

This is fate!


Mu Shuiyi struggled, grabbed Gu Ziwan's arm with difficulty, and wept silently.

"Tell me... what is my fate?"

Warlocks can break the fate of others, but they can't see through their own fate.

Gu Ziwan lowered her eyes, looking at the hands that were holding her.

Old as dry bark, full of wrinkles.

"Your fate...has begun..."

You condensed her eyes, and she looked into Mu Shuiyi's eyes ruthlessly and coldly.

"You will change your fate for Xuanyuan Che and help him ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Supreme...and then, become his queen!!"


Mu Shuiyi suddenly let out a hysterical roar, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

"I don't want such a queen..."

What's the point of such a queen whose life is worse than death? !

"so what??"

Gu Ziwan stood up expressionlessly, and looked around coldly.

"You have already obtained everything you want!! The position of empress, the supreme honor..."

" sister, help me, I don't want to be like this now..."

Mu Shuiyi struggled to kneel on the ground, kowtowed, but seemed unable to get up again.

"Senior sister, for the sake of our fellow disciples, I beg you to help me..."

"Help you?? Help you with what?"

Gu Ziwan raised her lips wickedly, knelt down in front of her, and gently pinched her chin with her fingertips.

"Help your husband and take away my husband's position? Help you kill me?! Destroy my Gu family??"

Mu Shuiyi's pupils gradually became frightened.

She suddenly remembered that dream!
"No... senior sister... you... what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Don't you already see it?"

Gu Ziwan jerked her chin away and stood up defiantly.

"In the vision you saw everything...what? Forgot now??"


Mu Shuiyi's heart seemed to be punched hard by someone.

"You... how do you know about the phantom?!"

"Because...someone deliberately let you see it!!"

The corners of Gu Ziwan's lips slowly smudged away, and a sharp arc faded out.

"If it wasn't for you to see, how dare you... change Xuanyuan Che's fate against the heavens??"

"Do not……"

Mu Shuiyi suddenly realized that she had fallen into a big conspiracy.

In a long-planned trap.

(End of this chapter)

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