Mad Queen

Chapter 1304

Chapter 1304

Three years later--

On the tree-lined path, a man wearing a bamboo hat led a small donkey and walked unsteadily. On the donkey, sat a woman in a blue coarse cloth.

The woman didn't wear any makeup, and she wore rough clothes and wooden hairpins, but it was difficult to conceal her stunning face.

She was looking down at the account book in her hand, her eyebrows frowned slightly: "Xuanyuan, we seem to spend a little too much this month..."

"As much as possible..."

Xuanyuan Yutian turned his head, looked at her little figure who was calculating and calculating, chuckled and whispered.

"Sigh... who would have thought that the former Monarch Feng Yao and today's Miss Gu Fu would calculate the monthly living expenses..."

"To live at home, money must come first..." Gu Ziwan frowned slightly, a little frustrated: "I thought, living is the simplest thing... But I never thought that ordinary life would be so trivial !"

"If you don't like it, we can..."

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I didn't expect..."

Whether it's Feng Yao or Gu Ziwan, other people will take care of her daily chores.

Now it's my turn, but I don't think it's easy.

Xuanyuan Yutian led the donkey and walked ahead, smiling and shaking his head.

How could their life be so difficult?

It was Gu Ziwan who insisted on living the life of ordinary people, saying that she understood the people's sentiments, and now that she really lived it, she felt that the life of ordinary people was not that simple.

"For outsiders, the life of ordinary people is the simplest, because they don't have intrigues in the court, there is no intrigue in the rivers and lakes, but...they are the most tiring group of people...because they are the most People at the bottom must run around for the most basic life..."


Gu Ziwan closed the ledger, her eyes were cold.

"We have only lived as a farmer for half a year, and we have worked so hard... Food is the most important thing for the people. If there is no more food, the life of the people will be even harder..."

"So, your position as a national teacher is very important! You must ensure that the weather is smooth..."

Gu Ziwan squinted: "You are returning to the national teacher!! Whose national teacher should be like me? He is in charge of people's livelihood during the day, and he is responsible for warming the bed and sleeping with him at night?!"

"It's not easy for me as the emperor... I have to deal with important national affairs during the day, and I have to work hard at night..."

Gu Ziwan→_→

Can I have some face? !

If you get something cheap and act like a good boy, you just have to have fun secretly, and you're ashamed to show it as a grievance.

"Brother Yu..."

In the crop field on one side, a shirtless man raised his arms and shouted.

"You are back? Did you bring me the seed I want?"

"Bring it, I will send it back to you in the evening..."

Xuanyuan Yutian waved his hands and answered, smiling like a spring breeze.

He wandered around with Gu Ziwan for a long time before staying in a village called Stone.

It is far away from the town, the folk customs are simple, and the villagers are warm and hospitable. They helped the two to open up wasteland, build houses and yards, and they were very friendly.

After half a year, the people in the village also accepted this young couple who were like a couple.

Every time the two of them entered the city, they would be entrusted with bringing some needles, threads, or seeds and herbs.

As soon as the two entered the village, sharp-eyed children flocked up.

"Uncle Yu, Sister Wan..."

Xuanyuan Yutian: "..."

What seniority is this? !

Besides, is he that old? ?
As for Gu Ziwan, she really enjoyed this kind of address, she jumped off the donkey with a smile like a flower, and distributed the cakes she brought.

(End of this chapter)

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