Mad Queen

Chapter 1319 A trap

Chapter 1319 A Trap

"You want to die in my hands?? Stop dreaming!!"

Turning his head coldly, he looked at Mu Shuiyi aggressively.

"I'm living in unbearable pain, and you don't want to die... Why don't you just stay with me and live with me!!"

"Life is better than death?? Hmph!"

Mu Shuiyi rubbed her neck, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Your life is worse than death? You just lost all perception, and I..."

She suddenly roared hysterically.

"Do you know what my curse is? It's infinite perception... All the pain is released on me twice!! To you, you just strangle me casually, but to me, it's like Two long knives, stuck in my neck and spinning... Can you imagine the pain?"

Compared to her, Xuanyuan Che's pain was simply moaning without illness.

"Xuanyuan you know? For me, the pain in my body is nothing compared to the pain in my heart!! What is my's your ruthlessness, Xuanyuan Che, you abandoned me, you owe me I..."

This was the first time Mu Shuiyi saw Xuanyuan Che since the farewell in the nine-story star building.

The despair and pain of the past poured out in an instant.

She jumped up and beat Xuanyuan Che's body recklessly.

"You harmed me, you betrayed me, you ruined me... Now, you still have the face to come to me again?! What do you want me to do? Watch you die, or watch me die..."

Xuanyuan Che wanted to push her hand away, but he didn't move after all, letting her fist fall.

To be honest, with her physical strength, even if she dropped her fist, it wouldn't hurt much.

At the end of the fight, Mu Shuiyi's physique was seriously exhausted, and the fist that fell had no strength to lift it up again.

Weeping and panting, she curled up on the ground, thin and small.

And Xuanyuan Che was also sitting there, not moving for a long time.

The cold wind blows from the crack of the door, and the whole hall is as cold as an ice cellar.

As the sky gradually darkened, the court ladies didn't dare to come in to light the lamps. When it was completely dark, the two of them still sat there, neither of them saying a word.

After a long time, Mu Shuiyi's hoarse voice came from the darkness——

"I have taken in a lot of concubines it because of this reason?"

Xuanyuan Che's eyes sank, and he sighed: "At the beginning... I thought it was because I lost interest in the women in the palace, so I tried to enrich the harem, but who knows... the new concubine entered the palace, and I have no interest in them." But the interest in them is getting lower and lower... At the beginning, I just didn't feel the love between men and women, and then... I didn't even have any interest in them..."

Mu Shuiyi closed his eyes heavily.

In this way, every sentence is like a knife, cutting in her heart.

However, after the sore spot, there is still endless joy—it deserves it! !

"Yiyi...I think...we fell into a trap..."

Xuanyuan Che's words made Mu Shuiyi open his eyes aggressively.

"What do you mean?"

"I have a feeling... This feeling has always been there, but I dare not admit it, and I dare not think about it! It's just... so many things have happened now, I have to think..."

He turned his head firmly, staring at Mu Shuiyi.

"Don't you think... the two of us fell into a trap! This trap has trapped us together from the very beginning!! Leading us to go step by step... There is no turning back!!"

(End of this chapter)

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