Mad Queen

Chapter 1337 It's You

Chapter 1337 It's You

The ghost messenger glanced at him expressionlessly, still staring at the front with a cold face.

"Prince a hurry??"

A deep and cold laughter came from behind Xuanyuan Che, which made him tremble all over.

Turning around slowly, the horror in his eyes was unstoppable.

"Xuanyuan... Yutian..."

Xuanyuan Yutian was dressed in black for a day, with black hair and a golden crown, walked past Xuanyuan Che leisurely, and stood in front of him.

"What? It's just that I haven't seen you for a few days, so Prince Che won't recognize me?!"


Xuanyuan Che turned to the ghost messengers around him in horror.

"Why...don't they catch you..."

Xuanyuan Yutian smiled lightly, and sat on the ground beside Xuanyuan Che.

"Prince Che, there is something... I haven't told you..."

Following Xuanyuan Che's gaze, he turned around.

"I am a person with many identities, one of the Hades--the King of Hades!"

Xuanyuan Che's pupils shrank suddenly, and he understood immediately, and fell to the ground.

"No wonder..."

He chuckled and his eyes moved.

"No wonder you have those abilities, no wonder you don't die no matter what... no wonder..."

After a pause, he panted and slowly turned his head, staring firmly into Xuanyuan Yutian's eyes.

"No can play tricks on the blueprint of the nine-story star building..."

Xuanyuan Yutian raised his eyebrows lightly: " know everything?!"

"Things have come to this point, how could I not know... If I don't know, I guess I will still be confused when I am reincarnated..."

Xuanyuan Che bowed his head with a wry smile, all kinds of past events flashed through his mind over and over again.

"Since you are Pluto... why do you still want to fight for the throne?? Since you have such means, why do you want to... torture me like that? Isn't it the easiest thing for you to kill me?! Yes The time I spent tossing with me... a few reincarnations are enough..."

If he is the ruler of the underworld, then he will definitely not play tricks with the other party.

What a waste of time! !

"Xuanyuan Che, with your ability, you don't need to know too many things. If you know too much, you won't understand the mysteries of it..."


Xuanyuan Che suddenly laughed out loud, his laughter was hopeless.

"You have been playing with me for so long... You have made me inhuman for so long... Why? Is it because you hate me and took away your throne?? With your ability, you can completely make me fail... …If you favor me, I will be fulfilled!! Why?? Why are you doing this to me?”

Xuanyuan Yutian stood up slowly: "Xuanyuan Che, the intersection between not just in this life..."

Xuanyuan Che stopped laughing abruptly, and looked at his back with complicated eyes.

"So... in our previous life... there were entanglements?!"

Xuanyuan Yutian's footsteps paused: "It's not the previous's several lives!"

" many lives?!"

Xuanyuan Che's eyes suddenly sank, as if he remembered something, he got up quickly in shock.

"Then...then if I reincarnate again, do I still have to..."

If there is any entanglement with Xuanyuan Yutian again, wouldn't it be him who was abused? !

What kind of person can beat Pluto? !

"I still have... life and death enmity with you?!"

Xuanyuan Yutian turned around quietly: "Xuanyuan Che, whether there is any entanglement between us... is up to you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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