Mad Queen

Chapter 1355

Chapter 1355

Gu Ziwan nodded lightly and bowed slightly.

"To be honest... we... did encounter some things!"

"what's up?"


Gu Ziwan gave a rough account of Xuanyuan Che and Mu Shuiyi's affairs from the previous life to the present.

"Master, Xuanyuan suspects that this incident has something to do with the fairy clan, so he went to the fairy clan... If it is their relationship, I'm afraid there will be a bloodbath!!"

Gu Ziwan's voice paused, but finally her voice was deep.

"Just like back then!!"


Thinking of the bloody tragedy that year, Master Yihun couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"The bloody events back then... the Lord probably doesn't remember!!"

"It's not that I don't remember, it's just that my always not deep!! After all, those are the sins of sealing the demon king! Even if I have a little memory, I don't have much memory, and after separating from the demon king, if there is anything else, I will never forget it." knew……"


Master Yihun sighed again and proclaimed a Buddha's name.

"The first battle back then... It can be said that the world was full of blood, corpses were scattered everywhere, and there was no life in sight... The whole world seemed to have fallen into a dead silence!!"

After that battle, the fairy clan completely retired.

It can be seen from this that the killing was the end of a double injury.

Even though Feng Yaomozun suffered a crushing defeat and was wiped out, the immortal clan was also severely injured, and no one benefited.

"My lord... If this time, it's the same battle as before... I'm afraid the world will be slaughtered again, bloody everywhere..."

"Master, what happened back then was out of control... Feng Yaomozun's madness was an ending that no one expected! But now, things are already on the right track, the balance of the world... should be peaceful and friendly... …But……"

Gu Ziwan innocently opened her arms with clear eyes.

"Master should have seen it, the fuse of this incident is not me... but the fairy clan!"

"I don't know if it's because of the fairy clan. We need to control the situation as much as possible before things get worse..."

"Master has a solution?"

Master Yihun shook his head, also with a sad expression on his face.

If there is a way, he won't have to stand here talking so much nonsense!

"Shangjun... Right now we need to be prepared and plan for the worst, and wait for Shenjun to come back with news before discussing!!"

Gu Ziwan didn't seem to hear what he was saying, and stood there contemplatively.

Master Yihun didn't dare to startle her thoughts, just stood there fixedly, looked into her eyes, and said nothing.


"Mu Shuiyi..."

She murmured, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Master One Soul cautiously.

"What? Have you thought of a way??"

One soul master's heart hung up nervously, and he couldn't wait to step forward.

"What method?"

"It's not a's just a flash of spiritual light. As for whether it works or not, I don't know..."

"It's okay, you just say... we'll discuss it together..."

"Master still remember...I told you that the reason why I felt something was wrong seemed to be because Mu Shuiyi used my vitality power..."

Master Yihun's heart was moved: "What does Shangjun can use your vitality again to feel the position of Mu Shuiyi, so as to find out the ins and outs of things from her?"

(End of this chapter)

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