Mad Queen

Chapter 1357

Chapter 1357
Mass graves! !
What kind of killing must be done to have such a mass grave? !
"Yangshi... what's wrong? Xuanyuan..."

Gu Ziwan suddenly thought of something——

With so many dead people, there will be so many souls.

The underworld is in the hands of Xuanyuan Yutian, there are so many dead souls out of thin air, why has he never mentioned it to her? !

He already noticed something was wrong, but he didn't tell her, lest she increase her worries? ?

In the underworld, she is just an ordinary woman who takes care of her husband and son every day, taking care of their daily life and food.

She never intervenes in matters of the underworld.

After all, that is Xuanyuan Yutian's sphere of influence! !
"Xuanyuan... did he notice something, so when I mentioned Mu Shuiyi and Xuanyuan Che, he immediately thought of the fairy clan!!"

There must be a reason for so many killings!
As the King of Pluto, Xuanyuan Yutian could not fail to notice the strangeness.

If this is the case, wouldn't his going to the fairy clan also cause trouble? ?
Gu Ziwan stood quietly for a while, finally let out a long sigh, and hit a spell, crashing into the ceilings on both sides of the mountain depression.


The weathered earth and rocks on the top of the mountains on both sides collapsed in an instant, rumbling down the mass grave, obliterating all the corpses.

Rest in peace! !
The dead bodies of these people in the wilderness, in addition to disturbing the soul, will also cause the outbreak of disease.

Now is the scorching summer, after the time passes, the disease will be rampant! !

Turning out of the forest, Gu Ziwan stood on the official road, looking at the silence around her, she felt deeply moved.

"Mushuiyi... how can you get out of the underworld and enter the Yang world?"

Finding Mu Shuiyi and Xuanyuan Che in the world is like finding a needle in a haystack, and the difficulty can be imagined.

But, there is no other way, she only has one way to find someone now! !
Mu Shuiyi certainly does not have the ability to hide in the Yang world, unless someone helps her.

But the person who helped her could be from the fairy clan, or a sorcerer with a great cultivation base.

Therefore, Gu Ziwan needs to find a target to break through.

I don't know why, but she has an intuition!
The longer the time dragged on, the worse it would be for her! !

It was near evening that Gu Ziwan saw a small village under the setting sun.

"There's someone..."

Someone is equivalent to having news.

It's been more than ten years, and I don't know how the world has changed!
However, after happily entering, she realized something was wrong.

There are indeed people in the village!
But in the eyes, apart from the old man with gray sideburns, trembling movements, and swaying walk, there is a little child with a bun.

The age of these children is basically no more than ten years old.

Looking at Gu Ziwan's eyes, everyone was excited and curious, looking at her from a distance, blinking their dark eyes.

"Girl...are you lost, came to our village on purpose?!"

A white-haired old man, leaning on a cane, beckoned the children around him to come forward. "Girl, if you fancy a child, just keep it with you, and reward them with a bowl of rice, as long as they don't starve to death...I won't take money from you..."

Gu Ziwan's pupils shrank——

He is giving away the child!

What kind of despair would make them send their children away.

"Old man... I'm passing by... It's too hot, I want to ask for a bowl of water..."

"It's okay to beg for a bowl of water, but if you beg for food, I don't have either..."

(End of this chapter)

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