Mad Queen

Chapter 1360

Chapter 1360
"Good girl, what did you say just now?"

A woman nervously leaned in front of Gu Ziwan, wanting to hold her hand, but she was afraid of being abrupt, so she only dared to ask cautiously.

"Does it mean... summoning souls??"

"it's me……"

"Then can you summon my son's soul?"


Before Gu Ziwan could speak, she was interrupted by eager voices around her.

"And my son!"

"My son and daughter-in-law..."

"My daughter and her son-in-law..."

"And my grandchildren..."


The chattering voices became noisy again.

"Okay, stop talking!!"

The old man couldn't bear it, he hit out with a cane and blocked them in front of everyone.

"Shut up! Listen to the girls!!"

With his voice down, everyone became quiet and looked at Gu Ziwan expectantly.

"I can't guarantee that everyone's soul can be brought back, because some people at this time... probably have been reincarnated and reincarnated again! But..."

Gu Ziwan pointed her fingertips around.

"The masters of these grievances... I should be able to bring them back..."




A group of people waited, glanced at each other immediately, and looked around randomly.

For them, there is nothing around, and it is no different from usual.

"Good didn't lie to grandma, did you?"

The mother-in-law finally couldn't help it, and tightly grasped Gu Ziwan's hand.

"Can I really see my son again??"

"Grandmother, this summoning of only temporary! Because they are too resentful, even if they are reincarnated, they can't get a good one. So, when you see them later, persuade them to accept them. Resentment, reincarnation with peace of mind... This life is over, so don't delay the way to the next life!"

After speaking, everyone who said it cried again.

"Girl, tell me... What do you need for this call of souls?" The old man's self-control is considered good, he held back his tears and asked hoarsely.

"It's joss paper money, and... everyone sprinkles your blood on the joss sticks... In this way, your relatives can show themselves in front of you in the shortest possible time..."

Before Gu Ziwan could finish her sentence, several old people scattered in an instant, shouting one after another.

"Don't sleep, get up quickly, gather at the entrance of the village with incense sticks and paper money..."

Leaning on crutches, the old man took two trembling steps, then walked back uneasy.


"What else is there for the old man?"

"Girl...well, those of us who are old and immortal, our hands and feet will not be able to move freely when we get older, so we may have to slow down our movements, can be troubled, and wait for us here for a while?!"

Gu Ziwan knew what he meant——

He was afraid that after she sent them away, she would leave with oil on the soles of her feet.

"Old man, don't worry... I won't leave!!"

Gu Ziwan chuckled and stared at the well not far away.

"If you tell me, I'm afraid you won't believe it... At this moment, even if I want to leave, I won't be able to..."


"Old man, it's a long story. I'll tell you when the matter is over... Now, you'd better go home and get your things! It's almost midnight now. At this time, the yin energy is the most serious, and the soul is also in the world. The safest time to"

Before Gu Ziwan finished speaking, the old man quickly turned around: "I'm going right now..."

(End of this chapter)

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