Mad Queen

Chapter 1386 Death Bell

Chapter 1386 Death Bell

Wang Xihuan, on the other hand, looked at Gu Ziwan with complicated eyes: "Little brother, these days, it's useless to be arrogant...!! If we want to survive and live for a long time, we must cling to something!! Just like me ...The fairy tale of the Dongting Court no longer exists, and if I don't seek refuge in the witchcraft school, I may be swallowed by the trend..."

He sighed deeply and shook his head helplessly.

"It is said that the times make heroes... But, those of us who are not heroes... are destined to live a tragic life!!"

Who doesn't want a hero?
Who wants to be a bear?
However, heroes have to pay a price! !
He didn't dare to pay the price, so he could only live by attachment!

"Little brother, you are young now, so your words and deeds will inevitably be more intense... But, after you are frustrated, you will understand that some things are easy to think of, but difficult to do..."

With a long sigh, Wang Xihuan glanced around and pointed casually.

"Look at that, that...and that...all used to be members of the Xuan sect who were serious, but now?? Are they going to fall into the ranks of witchcraft..."

"Okay, Wang Xihuan, you seem to be so tall!!"

Zhang Dao interrupted Wang Xihuan's sadness impatiently, very contemptuously.

"At the end of the day, that's just one sentence... You are cowardly!! Like me, you are a gutless pussy!! But if you are a little bloody, you will not be here, but like your other brothers and sisters in Dongting Mountain, Roll up your bedroll and go home to farm!!"


Gu Ziwan could hear it from their conversation.

At some point, there was a bloody battle between the metaphysical school and the witchcraft school.

why? !
The school of metaphysics and the school of witchcraft have always been in harmony with each other, so why did they end in bloody battles and killings? !

During the dispute between Zhang Dao and Wang Xihuan, a heavy bell rang.


The sentient beings got into Gu Ziwan's ears, which made her grunt, and her vitality exploded.

"Death Bell!"

She slowly raised her head and looked forward.

"Jin Nanfei!!"

The Death Bell is Jin Nanfei's unique magic weapon.

One bell shakes the heart, two bells shakes the soul, and three bells kills one's life.

His death knell only needs three rings to injure the opponent's body, or even kill him.

Shocked by the death bell, the chattering people suddenly became dumb, and no one dared to speak anymore.

Holding a gleaming golden bell in her left hand, Jiang Hongzhu approached with heavy steps.

Those eyes, after a slight pause on Gu Ziwan, turned to everyone.

"Everyone, we have some new friends today, so... we need to hold an induction ceremony!"

"Introduction ceremony?!"

"We're still getting started..."


Some people are puzzled, some people are excited.

Gu Ziwan turned slightly, and turned to Wang Xihuan: "What initiation ceremony?"

"Just drip your blood on that clock..."

Wang Xihuan returned calmly.

"It's just a drop of blood, it's just a ceremony, it doesn't get in the way..."

Gu Ziwan's pupils shrank slightly: "That clock... looks very cool, do you know what kind of clock it is?"

"What's so cool about that clock? The person holding the clock is so cool..."

Zhang Dao couldn't help mocking and sneering, looking at Gu Ziwan's eyes with disgust.

"Do you know who that girl is?!"

Gu Ziwan: "..."

She could guess that these people didn't know that the golden bell was the death bell.

(End of this chapter)

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