Mad Queen

Chapter 142

Chapter 142
Hua Linlang showed fear, and for a moment didn't know how to answer, and looked at Gu Niancheng as if asking for help.

"Read it..."

Gu Niancheng motioned for her to sit down, and sighed helplessly: "Wan'er, this matter...I have discussed this matter with your mother for a long time, and I don't know whether I should tell you!! After all, you are still a child, and you don't understand some things... Oh! If only your uncle were still around..."

No matter how capable my daughter is, she is only a six-year-old girl!
She doesn't understand at all about having children.

Therefore, Gu Niancheng never told her!

Gu Ziwan sank her heart and looked at her mother's abdomen thoughtfully.

If it was the time passed by someone else, she could laugh it off and say it was a miscalculation, but she was the one who gave Hua Linlang the pulse in person to confirm that she was pregnant and pregnant.

Now that I am fifteen months pregnant, there is definitely a problem.

"Father... don't worry, let me think about it!"

"How can I not be in a hurry?! Your mother... has passed the time of giving birth long ago, but the child has not moved at all... there are already rumors outside, saying..."

Gu Niancheng's voice was quiet, and he glanced at Hua Linlang with fear, only then realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Fifteen months pregnant, no matter how you say it, it is a monster.

Even though they are now in Gu's residence and live in seclusion, but the Gu family has not heard any good news for a long time, outsiders can guess something after all.

Hua Linlang held her husband's hand, tears streaming down her cheeks: "Niancheng, no matter what this child is, it is our child after all..."

"I know, I will give up my life to protect him!!"


"No but!! I won't let anyone hurt my family!!"

Gu Niancheng took his wife into his arms and stroked her abdomen.

"Perhaps, we miscalculated something and remembered the wrong date..."

Hua Linlang knew that her husband was comforting her, but she could only nod with tears in her eyes.

But they all know it in their hearts!

If you calculate the wrong time, you won't miss the time difference of half a year! !

Gu Ziwan walked into Hua Linlang, lightened her wrist, and frowned slightly: "The pulse condition is stable, and the fetal image is did it take so long?!"

With a flash in her eyes, she suddenly turned and ran out.

"Wait for me!"

Not long after, she stepped in holding an incense burner.

In the incense burner, there is a stick of incense.

After burning the incense and retreating, Gu Ziwan used her hands as a sign and closed her eyes to perform divination.

Hua Linlang showed a strange expression on her face: "Wan'er, what are you... doing?!"

"Let me figure it out, what is his fate?!"

Gu Niancheng's face changed slightly: " know this??"

He always thought that his daughter was following that "uncle", that is, just dawdling in the fun, being his mouthpiece, and doing things for him.

Unexpectedly, at such a young age, my daughter can also deduce divination!

"Yao, it is the basis of deduction. The ancients used rope knots as calculations. Later, it evolved into finger pulp deduction. According to the order of the five elements and eight trigrams, deduce the five elements and then look at the fate!"

Gu Ziwan didn't want to explain too much, her fingers changed dexterously, counting the fate of the child in the mother's womb.


Dyexiang suddenly exploded without warning.


Hua Linlang screamed, as if her fetus was gasping, and she felt cramps in her abdomen.

"Lin Lang..."

Gu Niancheng's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly pestered his wife.

"What's wrong with you? Are you going to give birth?"

Gu Ziwan looked at the bursting incense with charming eyes, and then looked at Hua Linlang's abdomen.

"He won't allow me to predict??!"

(End of this chapter)

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