Mad Queen

Chapter 146 The Old General Who Drives in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 146 The Old General Who Drives in the Middle of the Night

The letter fell on the table, and the letter inside slipped out, still blank.

Gu Ziwan took incense ash, added water, bit her fingertips, dripped three drops of blood, stirred it into a gray liquid, and gently wiped it on the white letter paper.

As the water spread, dark brown spots gradually appeared on the letter paper.

It's dried blood! !

In addition, there is another word - save! ! !

On the whole piece of paper, there is only this one word! !
The word "save" is messy, it seems to have been written in a hurry, and it seems to be weak in writing.

But the whole letter paper was clean and tidy, and the folds were neat.

Gently stroking the word "Save", Gu Ziwan's sharp blade shot out from the depths of her pupils.

"elder brother!!"

In Xuanshu, there is a method of writing letters called blood books.

This blood book is different from ordinary blood books.

Ordinary blood books are written in blood, and the contents can be seen at a glance.

However, the blood book in Xuanshu means that after the letter is written in blood, the letter paper is soaked in a secret liquid until the writing disappears.

That's why the letter is messy, but the stationery is neat.

The biggest advantage of the Xuanshu blood book is that it is concealed. Only relatives of the same bloodline and with a certain amount of vitality can use a special technique to open the letter paper and let the handwriting emerge.

Only the perception between the blood vessels can feel the burning pain.

Gu Ziwan carefully put away the letter paper: "Brother...something happened!"

But didn't daddy say that the eldest brother Gu Yan has been working under the subordinate of Prince Xuanyuan Yutian? !
How can something happen to him? !

After a little thought, she turned over and jumped onto the roof.

"Sword Thirteen!"

Jian Shisan came out silently from the shadows: "Second Miss?"

"Help me inquire and find out what happened to my elder brother Gu Yan!"


Gu Ziwan tidied up her clothes and silently walked towards the general's mansion.

Although Hao Sheng is at the border, he still has eyes and ears in the capital.

From him, maybe we can get some clues.

The night has fallen.

In the general's mansion, everything was quiet.

Gu Ziwan landed on Haosheng's roof silently, and before she lifted a tile, she heard a woman's moaning and chirping from inside.

Gu Ziwan—the old general's body is fine! !
After staying awake most of the night, I still have the energy to do these indescribable things.

Gently peeling off the tiles, she saw the rickety carved bed.

The woman's intoxicated groans and moans and the man's low growl came to his ears.

"General, please keep your voice down...don't be're so ashamed..."

"Dear, don't worry... I've told them to evacuate... Let's do whatever we like tonight... Dear, call louder..."

"No, I'm so ashamed..."

He was so ashamed to death, but the woman's unrestrained screams were still heard unscrupulously.

Gu Ziwan stared at her surroundings and laughed dumbly.

No wonder she didn't meet any guards along the way, it was the old general who sent them away! !

Presumably he wanted to devote himself to this indescribable battle! !

Otherwise, with the hearing skills of these guards in the General's Mansion, they could easily hear the charming voices in the room.

Now that they are guarding at a distance, the people in the room can do whatever they want!
Seeing the old general drive endlessly, Gu Ziwan had no choice but to drop a tile.


The tiles crumble.

The swaying carved wood also stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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