Mad Queen

Chapter 1484 You Stay

Chapter 1484 You Stay

unimaginable! !
The person who controls all this behind the scenes is actually him! !


Shaking her head slightly, Gu Ziwan felt pain in her eyes.

"Why is it him!!"

She thought about many people, but she just never thought that that person would be Huayue Shenjun.

Fu Yao sat quietly on one side, without saying a word, but watching the rough waves below.

Suddenly, he grabbed her arm with one hand and pointed down.


In the sea water, the enchantment above the head of the ancient mythical beast floated up and down in the sea water.

With the washing of the sea water, the world in the enchantment also appeared blurred.

But no matter how vague it was, they also saw a fact——

"What about people!?"

Fu Yao looked at Gu Ziwan in surprise.

"Where's that woman!?"

"Didn't you see it all?!"

Gu Ziwan's eyes shrank imperceptibly, and she looked down fiercely.


In the enchantment, there is no one.

The woman in the red dress that I saw just now was nowhere to be seen.

"I thought...that woman just now..."

Fuba's voice paused, and he smiled awkwardly.

"It's a dead man..."

The waves outside were so big, but the woman lay there motionless, as if she was dead.

"Those who have that are not the first!!" Gu Ziwan's reaction was very flat.

Under such circumstances, anyone's first reaction would be to think that it was a dead person.

However, since it is not a dead person, it is easy to handle.

"Fuba, we have to go down!!"

"Go down?"

Fu Diao was taken aback.

"Go there?!"

Under such circumstances, going to a strange place is tantamount to taking risks.

At this moment, it is safest to be on the blood-killing sword.

"If we don't go in, it may take a long time to unlock the way to leave here..."

Gu Ziwan's eyes were sharp, and her eyes were like knives.

"If the people inside are still alive...they must know how to get out of here!"

But if she got there, her vitality would disappear.

By then, who knows what will happen!

"Fu stay here!"


"You stay and meet me!!"

Gu Ziwan looked sideways, looking at Fu Mandrill with burning eyes.

"In case something happens to me, you can still give me a hand..."

He was able to return to rescue her in the deep sea, which meant that they were already allies of the same faction.

Leave her retreat to him, she can rest assured! !

"But... how can I let you go to the risk alone!?"

Fu Yao shook his head anxiously, looking at the enchantment below.

"How about this, I'll go down and have a look... If there is no danger, you can come again... If there is danger, you can leave on your own..."

"As far as you are concerned, danger exists all the time!! But I am different..."

Gu Ziwan smiled lightly, turned over and jumped on the blood-killing sword.

"If I'm all in danger, then you really don't have to go..."

Her words were very euphemistic, but Fuji was inexplicably ashamed.

What Gu Ziwan meant was that his cultivation was too bad!
For Gu Ziwan, what is loose may be dangerous for him.

With such a cultivation base, he is not qualified to take risks on the road! !

"All right!"

Fu Ji responded in embarrassment, and coughed awkwardly.

"Then be careful yourself..."

"What do you need to say!?"

Gu Ziwan took a deep breath, and stood on the barrier with the blood-killing sword.

Aiming at the middle point, she flew down gracefully with her sleeves.

(End of this chapter)

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