Mad Queen

Chapter 1488 Tomb Keeper

Chapter 1488 Tomb Keeper

But as far as Hu Po is concerned, the treasures she sees are probably beyond the reach of Gu Ziwan.

Among the treasures she saw, Fanzhu should be ordinary goods.

But for an ordinary person, Hu Po knows it right away, which is intriguing! !


Hu Po suddenly looked back, and her eyes met Gu Ziwan's.

From her eyes, she saw doubt and exploration.

"Fanzhu... it belonged to a friend of mine before. I saw it at his place... but I didn't contact him later, so I forgot it! I didn't expect to see it again here today... I just lost my temper for a while !"


Gu Ziwan stood up with difficulty, frowning.

"This friend of yours...wouldn't be from the fairy clan!?"

"...Does it matter if it belongs to the fairy clan!?"

Amber's answer was hesitant at first, and then very calm.

"It's just an old friend! What? Are you afraid you know him!?"

With squinting eyes, Hu Po looked Gu Ziwan up and down, and then smiled deeply.

"Don't worry, at your don't know him!"

Obviously, Hu Po didn't want to bring up what happened back then, so Gu Ziwan didn't ask any more detailed questions.

After all, this is someone's secret!
"That... Sister Amber, may I take the liberty to ask... how do I leave?!"


Amber suddenly chuckled and looked at her playfully.

"You have come to my soul burial place, and you still want to leave..."

She turned her head around, her eyes sharp.

"Do you know... what place is this!?"

Gu Ziwan followed her gaze: "Isn't it...the place where the souls of the gods are buried...!?"

"Since you know what this place is, you should know... this is a living coffin!! The person who enters the coffin... is the gravekeeper! The not qualified to leave!"

Gu Ziwan: "..."

Your uncle! !
What kind of overlord clause is this? !

"No... Sister Amber, are you confused!? You are... the keeper of this living coffin, I am not!!"

Gu Ziwan opened her arms and tried her best to smile lightly.

"I'm from the Immortal Clan... I'm not qualified to be the tomb keeper of your Protoss!! I'm different from your Protoss... by a few styles!!"

Amber sneered again, looked at her sideways, and turned to enter the room: "Your ability to pretend to be confused... really made me admire you!!"

Gu Ziwan's arms hang down weakly, looking at Hu Po's back, she whispers: "Sister Hu Po...I have a husband and a child!! I can't be trapped here..."

Hu Po stopped her steps abruptly, but did not turn around: "Then congratulations to your husband... you can be a groom again..."

With resolute steps, her figure disappeared at the door.

Gu Ziwan: "..."

What the hell is this? !
When she entered here, she guessed Amber's identity!
It was only because that identity was too obscure that I didn't dare to ask about it!
Well now, Amber herself has exposed her identity! !


The place where the souls of the gods are buried needs tomb guards.

And the tomb guards can live together with the heaven and the earth.

In name, they are immortal and eternal youth.

But in fact, it is a lonely life! !

In order to maintain the purity of the tomb guard's goddess, a spell was placed in the living coffin——

(End of this chapter)

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