Mad Queen

Chapter 150 The Weird Noodle Shop

Chapter 150 The Weird Noodle Shop
The corner of the waiter's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to laugh but held back: "Miss, you stay here first, if you need anything, just call me... By the way, do you want to have lunch in our shop, or outside? "

"This lady came out to play, of course, to eat and have fun!! Which one of you here has the best food?!"

"Miss, why don't you try the hospitality restaurant across the street. Although the food and drinks there are a bit more expensive, they taste great!"

Gu Ziwan thought about it seriously for a while, then nodded, took out a gold coin, and put it on the table.

"Little brother, seeing how good you are, I'll give you this as a gift!! By the way, is there anything interesting here? It's so desolate, it's meaningless at all!!"

She sat cross-legged in front of the window with a sad look on her face.

"I wanted to come out to play, but who knows that it's a boring place... Just like here, it's very boring!"

The shop waiter looked at the gold coin, his eyes sparkled, his eyes turned sharply, and finally he laughed and squeezed the gold coin.

"Thank you, miss! If... you really want to play, why not... open the window after midnight... then you will see something interesting!"

"At night?? After midnight??" Gu Ziwan's eyes were sharpened, but her innocence was restored immediately: "At that time, everyone is sleeping, so what is there to see?!"

The shop waiter smiled more and more cunningly: "Miss, you will know when the time comes!! By the way, miss, to be honest, if you want to eat special snacks, I suggest you go to the alley behind our inn to eat small noodles! Old Chen's house Guaranteed that after you take a bite, you will never forget that taste for the rest of your life!!"

He hehe smiled and nodded, retreating, and closed the door.

Gu Ziwan's smile suddenly subsided, looking thoughtfully at the deserted street, her pupils shrank.

"Qingshi Town... Could it be?!! Hehe..."

She suddenly sneered, and slowly closed the window.

"Things who don't know how to live or die, actually play tricks and tricks with my aunt and grandma!! See how I can kill you!!"

After leaving the inn, Gu Ziwan stood for a while, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the shop waiter who was hiding behind the counter and peeping at her.

The corners of her lips parted slightly, and she walked towards the back alley.

At the entrance of the alley, an old dilapidated wooden sign is crumbling—Old Chen Xiaomian.

The alley was dark and silent, like a place of the dead.

At the end, she saw a noodle shop around the corner.

The storefront is not big visually, but it is actually very spacious. There are more than ten people sitting in it, and it doesn't look crowded at all.

"Go in and sit down, the noodles will be ready in no time!" A dull voice came from the kitchen on the right.

Smoke curled up, and one could only see a person working in front of the stove, but he couldn't see his real face.

Gu Ziwan found the back corner and sat down, so as to observe the people in the store comprehensively.

These people bowed their heads to eat in silence, without saying a word, without any communication.

Even after the visitor, he just looked up, and then bowed his head to eat.

On her left, she saw the man in black who passed her by in the inn.

He was eating a bowl of noodles with his head down, as if sensing her gaze, he looked sideways.

It's just that under the black robe, nothing can be seen.

After a glance, he continued to eat noodles.

The clerk passed her listlessly carrying a bowl of noodles: "Miss, please wait a moment, your noodles will be ready soon!"

The faint meaty aroma is fleeting.

It was just this instant taste that made Gu Ziwan feel sick for a while, and her eyes changed in surprise.

"This meat is..."

(End of this chapter)

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