Mad Queen

Chapter 1500 Unmoved

Chapter 1500 Unmoved

Before Gu Ziwan could finish her sentence, Hu Po stood up abruptly, and with a "bang", she slapped her hand on the table.

"Little girl, is it in your eyes that I am the kind of person who is ruthless and unrighteous, and can violate my conscience for my own selfishness?!"

Gu Ziwan's eyes rolled around: "I... read less... but it's written like this in the scripts!! You... were deprived of your lover by your rival, and you should hate your rival to the bone..."

"If I hated her... there wouldn't be those things back then!!"

Hu Po stared at Gu Ziwan aggressively, gritting her teeth every word.

"Based on my cultivation, I can kill a Sealed Demon...but even if it's as simple as hand-holding..."

Gu Ziwan looked down at her hand: "This... I completely believe it!"

"But I didn't do that!! Because I don't want Qing Ming to be sad... For me, as long as he is happy, as long as he is happy, then I can pay any price..."

Amber's hostility became less, and she sighed silently.

"So... I chose to give in, I chose to leave!! I took the initiative to volunteer and became a goddess guarding this place of soul burial. From then on... I will never leave again!! The prosperity of the outside world has nothing to do with me anymore !Of course... and him..."

I have to say, her words are very touching!

But Gu Ziwan didn't feel anything about it——

Anyone can speak!

But how true or false it is depends on everyone's judgment!
Who knows if Hu Po's chicken soup for the soul is poisonous or not! !
If she fails to catch one, it will be beyond redemption.

With a long sigh, Gu Ziwan lowered her eyes: " always great!! It's enough to confuse people's minds...Why didn't you be more selfish and kill Feng Yao!? Time is the most healing thing... Without Feng Yao, you are by Qing Ming's side again, after a long time... maybe he will fall in love with you!!"

"But he will be sad...and if one day he finds out that I killed Feng Yao, do you he still love me!?"

Amber shook her head lightly, staring into the distance.

"You are still too young... I don't know how to let go sometimes, it is the greatest love... I like him, I have to watch him happy!! If he thinks it is good, then I am good... If he is not happy, I will be too Sad... In short, my life revolves around him!! If he is heartbroken, then my life will be worse than death..."

Gu Ziwan immediately spread the stars, with a look of admiration: "Sister Hu are really great!! Compared with you, I am nothing short of small belly..."

"That's because you are too young to know what true love is..."

Amber withdrew her eyes, her eyes had settled a lot, without the sadness just now.

"Now...he is in the Underworld, and I am on the Yinhan Floating Bridge. Although we will never see each other, we are still very close after all... I am happy to be able to do this..."

Without Gu Ziwan's consolation, Hu Po comforted herself like chicken soup, and her mood improved a lot.

"Okay... that's about the end of my story! Now, let's talk about your story!! Your husband... who haunts you so much, who would rather die than submit, must not be an ordinary man!!"

Amber's smile was released from the corner of her eyes, as if the sadness and dullness just now had never appeared at all.

"Otherwise... an ordinary man might not be worthy of a beauty like yours!!"

(End of this chapter)

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