Mad Queen

Chapter 1519 3 key

Chapter 1519 Three Keys
"Sky rules?"

Gu Ziwan thought in her heart that you guys are talking nonsense again! !

God's will stipulates that you can reveal the secrets of heaven at will! ?
"There is a rule in the sky, we must not reveal the secret of the key, otherwise...after being reborn again, we will be punished by God!"

The blind old man answered suddenly, his cloudy eyes shrank.

"Did you see my eyes? Originally...I shouldn't be so disabled, it's because when the last goddess was looking for the key, I felt sorry for her, so I showed kindness...and told her about the key, so... It has become what it is now!"

Gu Ziwan teased and raised her lips: "Then you tell me the matter...wouldn't you be afraid of God's punishment?!"

"We'll tell you again, it's just after becomes like this! But if we don't tell you..."

The gray-haired man snorted twice, looked at the blood symbols around him in silence, the meaning was self-evident——

If you don't tell Gu Ziwan the main point of the matter, I'm afraid that what awaits them is a soul exchange! !
After death and rebirth, what is born is still one's own body.

Whether it is good or bad, it is your own after all!
If you put someone else's soul in such a body, it would be better to die and be reborn! !

"This reason... I reluctantly accept it!!"

Gu Ziwan smiled slightly, but she was thinking about what the three of them said——

On the brink of death!
When people are on the verge of death, the first thing that appears is hallucinations!

Could it be that they mean to start with hallucinations! ?

When people are in hallucinations, their perception is also the most acute.

The scenes seen at that time, in the understanding of ordinary people, would be attributed to imagination.

But anyone who has practiced spells knows that what they saw at that time is the closest revelation to the apocalypse.

The rotation of the blood talisman suddenly changed its direction, rotating towards the specific place of the three people.

The legs of the gray-haired man, the eyes of the blind old man, and the plump breasts of the silver-haired woman.

The blood talisman spun into the bodies of the three people and disappeared instantly.


Three sharp whistling sounds came out, and the bodies of the three people suddenly burst into white light.


The blinding white light blinded Gu Ziwan's eyes instantly.


Moaning, she turned her head and closed her eyes to avoid the light.

After a while, until the light in front of her eyes faded, she slowly opened her eyes.

Beside her, the figures of three people disappeared.

Instead, there are three keys.


Gu Ziwan was taken aback.

How could it be three?

Didn't Amber say that there is only one handful? !
Is her information wrong, or is it true that only one of the three keys is real? !
Turning around, Gu Ziwan looked at the three keys vigilantly, frowning slightly, but did not act rashly.

The three keys surrounded her, spinning and floating, dangling.

From the appearance and size, there is no difference, even the teeth of the key are exactly the same.

"Three... the same key?!"

If it is said that the three are different, maybe they can also be used jointly.

But if they were all the same, it would be a bit weird!

Gu Ziwan looked around, but couldn't see why, so she could only try to click on one of them.


The key suddenly turned into a ray of white light and entered Gu Ziwan's palm in an instant.


She subconsciously shrank her hands back.

It's just that even though she dodged quickly, she couldn't dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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