Mad Queen

Chapter 1522

Chapter 1522

"It is God's will that you can leave alive..."

Hu Po shook her clothes and turned around, walking swiftly.

"I've been here for so long, and I've only seen people who came from that time void, but I've never seen anyone who can leave there... Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it depends on your own fortune and fate!!"

"My own fate... Sister Amber, what do you mean... don't you mean, don't come with me!?"

Gu Ziwan smiled foolishly, her eyes completed crescent moons, her appearance was harmless to humans and animals, and she was warm.

"If I leave now, wouldn't you lose someone to talk to?!"

I want her to take the lead and land mines, what a beautiful idea!

Let's all die together!

"Besides, no one knows what the void of time is like... If I fall short, and there is no one to help me, wouldn't you also lose the chance to leave!? Besides... I Such a chosen daughter, I'm afraid it's not so easy to find!?"

Gu Ziwan's words went straight to Hu Po's heart——

If the key was so easy to get, the Chosen Daughter would be everywhere, and she wouldn't be trapped here for so long!
"What do you mean?!"

"I don't mean anything... I just think that the two of us should advance and retreat together, and join forces to fight against the outside world at critical times!!"

Gu Ziwan was very serious, and waved her right hand confidently.

"I think, I have the key, you have divine power, and if we join hands, it will be a match made in heaven..."


What Gu Ziwan said was simple!
It seems to be a success or failure, just in one fell swoop!
But if the chance of success is that great, those goddesses wouldn't be trapped for so long.

However, her words are not without reason!
Maybe it's her chance to give it a go!
While hesitating, Gu Ziwan suddenly stood up and turned around slowly to look behind her.

Amber followed her gaze and looked behind her: "What's wrong?"

Behind them, nothing seemed wrong.

"Sister you feel any changes?"


Your concept of abnormal movement is too broad!

"What change?!"

"I can't put it into just feels like something is wrong!"

Gu Ziwan's eyes turned slightly, and she slowly looked down at the palm of her right hand.

In her palm, the appearance of three keys loomed.

"Sister Amber, what's going on!?"

It was also the first time for Amber to see such a thing, and her eyebrows were tightly frowned: "I don't, do you feel that something is wrong!?"

Gu Ziwan→_→

She knows a knitting yarn!

This feeling is just an intuition like a sixth sense.

I have a hunch that something is going to happen!

But specifically, she couldn't tell at all.

However, as the appearance of the key became clearer, her feeling became more and more obvious.

"It seems...someone is disturbing our space..."

Gu Ziwan looked sideways at Hu Po, her eyes sharp.

"Are you sure...there are only two of us living here!?"


Before Hu Po's words hit the ground, Gu Ziwan felt a strong force coming from her right hand.

It seemed that someone grabbed her right hand suddenly.


Staggering, she took a step forward and almost fell out.

At that moment, a soft feeling enveloped the right hand.


The space in front of her was visibly distorted.

At that moment, Amber's voice was heard from far away: "Time is empty..."

Gu Ziwan instinctively turned her head in surprise, and saw the right hand that Hu Po had grabbed.

(End of this chapter)

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