Mad Queen

Chapter 1530

Chapter 1530

Looking up in horror, she looked at Gu Ziwan with tremors in her eyes.

"You can resist my divine power?? You are from the fairy clan..."

Only the blood of the immortal race can assimilate the Fanzhu so thoroughly!

Gu Ziwan stared innocently: "Didn't I say that!?"

"Impossible... Impossible!!"

Amber exclaimed, and finally seemed to understand something, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"I see... That Brahma Orb was given to you by the Lord Qingming, isn't it..."

Gu Ziwan: "..."

This guy's IQ is finally online!
"Otherwise... how could you get the Brahma Bead of the Qingming Shenjun!! Unless he gave it to you..."

Amber roared hysterically as if she had been insulted.

She should have thought of it long ago! !

If Qingming Shenjun's things were not given by him personally, how could others get them!

And Gu Ziwan——

In all conscience, she is such an alluring beauty!
It is self-evident why such a woman can get the Brahma Bead of Qingming Shenjun! !

"'ve been lying to me!"

Hu Po jumped up frantically, no matter whether Gu Ziwan's Brahma Bead would burn her or not, she frantically grabbed it again.



The golden light of the Vatican Pearl burst out again, covering Hu Po's whole body.


Amidst the screams, Hu Po couldn't stand the erosion of the Brahma Bead after all, and retreated violently in extreme embarrassment.

When the golden light receded, the clothes on her right arm were intact, but the hanging hand seemed to have a severed blood vessel, and the blood flowed down unstoppably.


A disciple of the Tianyan clan approached Fallen Dao and lowered his voice.

"Should we help Junior Sister..."

The fallen eyes looked at you, Shen Mu shook his head.

Under such circumstances, it seemed that this amber could not hurt Gu Ziwan at all.

If they rushed forward, they would hinder her instead, and would do her all harm but no benefit.

"Let's get out...despite the change..."

Fallen Dao gestured to the disciples of the Tianyan clan around him with his hand, and retreated calmly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they moved, Amber's eyes looked over.

And Gu Ziwan's gaze also swept across at that moment.

The actions of Luo Dao and others suddenly froze, and everyone's heart was shocked——

not good! !
Amber's eyes were full of murderous intent!
This woman has no mercy!

If she is in her hands, she will definitely die!

Fallen Dao exchanged eyes with Gu Ziwan at that moment, then suddenly drank——


And at that moment, Hu Po also moved suddenly, pounced on Luo Dao and the others——

Although she still doesn't know the relationship between Gu Ziwan and Fallen Dao and others!

But from the eyes of a few of them, she could feel that Gu Ziwan still cared about their lives!
As long as she cares, she can be used by her!

Therefore, after almost an instant of delay, Amber made the final decision.


Gu Ziwan yelled angrily in astonishment, and shot at the same time, trying to stop Hu Po.

It's just that her movements are fast, and Amber's divine power cannot be underestimated.

A millimeter of error is a thousand miles away.

Even though Gu Ziwan shot after Hu Po, Hu Po's action was still one step ahead of her.

And it's still full of divine power, killing at the peak.

Even though Gu Ziwan tried her best, she was still inferior to Hu Po.

When the two sides are fighting, life and death are fighting, life and death are just a thin line!

(End of this chapter)

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