Mad Queen

Chapter 1536 The villain first, then the gentleman

Chapter 1536 The villain first, then the gentleman


Gu Ziwan's words hit the point!
The reason why she risked her life to suppress her younger sister's madness was because of this body!
Once her body is exploded, she has only two endings——

Or, become a lone soul who lost his body!

Or, take away a body to survive!
However, due to time constraints, she needs to find a suitable body within a certain period of time.

Otherwise, it is easy to dwell in an unsatisfactory body.

Until then, it will be a lifetime thing!
Therefore, until the last moment of last resort, she will not take such a dead end!

"Gu Ziwan, once my body is destroyed, I will have to find a suitable body to live in..."

She turned to the fallen people around her, her face full of suppressed pain.

"These people... None of the souls are my opponents. At that time, I will definitely become one of them... You shouldn't want to!?"

Before Gu Ziwan could reply, she had another physical fight with her younger sister, which made her face turn blue.

Look at that, it's on the verge of collapse.

"Gu Ziwan, what are you waiting for, do it..."

But Gu Ziwan was not moved by her nervous breakdown, she raised her lips evilly: "Sister Hu Po, it's not that I don't do anything, but... we have to be a villain first, and then a gentleman..."

"What do you mean!?"

Hu Po never dreamed that things have come to this point, and Gu Ziwan still has time to talk nonsense with her!

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Sister Amber...First of all, I am not the two of you sisters, and I cannot tell whether the one who survived is you or your sister! Therefore..."

The look in Ling Luoyu's eyes made Hu Po's heart grow colder.

"what are you going to do?"

"I need to make sure that the one who survives is not a threat to us... because you just said that with your ability, even if it is a soul, you can easily take away their bodies!! Think... if It's you in your heyday, how dangerous we are..."


"Of course, what I mean is that if you are the one who survives, then these dangers don't exist! But...we have to prepare for the worst, in case the one who survives is your sister! Therefore, We must guarantee that you at that time... are not lethal!!"

Hu Po completely understood Ling Luoyu's meaning: "You want to... wait until my physical strength has reached its limit and I can no longer bear it, then you will do it..."

"Not bad!! Sister Amber, you are so smart, I think... you must understand my difficulties?!"

Ling Luoyu smiled sincerely.

"I'm forced to, there's no other way! Although it's a bad idea, it can ensure that we're safe in the end..."

Amber's heart plummeted—

Gu Ziwan depends on her own self-destruction, and will only act at the last moment! !

But if she is late, then everything will be over for her!

"Gu Ziwan... If I can't hold her down, do you know what the consequences will be?!"


Gu Ziwan stared fiercely and raised her lips evilly.

"At that time, it's time to say goodbye to your body..."

"If the soul explodes, the body will also be burned... And the soul of the gods will destroy all of you..."

"So, I will try to avoid this kind of thing from happening!!"

(End of this chapter)

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