Mad Queen

Chapter 1538

Chapter 1538
Mentioning the Qingming Shenjun seems to have touched the sore spot of Amber.

"Gu Ziwan, what did you lie to me, what did you take advantage of me... What is the relationship between you and Qingming Shenjun..."

"Shenjun Qingming..."

Gu Ziwan paused for a while, then smiled lightly.

"What kind of relationship do you think we have...what kind of relationship we are!! Anyway, at this time, whether you believe in your sister or me is the most important thing!"

Amber's heart jumped suddenly, as if she saw a glimmer of light in the chaos.

"You... you mean!?"

"Sister Amber, think about it... at this moment, who wants to kill you the most? Is it me, or your sister... Is it my words that are more reliable, or your sister's words!?"


"In order to achieve her goal, to pull you back together, what kind of things can't she do!?"

Gu Ziwan walked towards Hu Po step by step, with an imposing manner.

"If I told you right now... I am Qing Ming's wife, his woman, what would you do?!"


"Do you feel that life is hopeless, or you want to drag me to die together... In this way, does it mean that your sister's wish is fulfilled!"


Gu Ziwan took no time to rush, and pulled Amber into her thinking word by word.

"Sister Amber... If you don't want to live and feel that life is nothing to love, then you can die together! If you want to live, then suppress your sister's hostility, lest she become a demon in your heart... Here and now, as for my relationship with Qingming Shenjun...does it have anything to do with you?!"


Amber's heart was in a mess, and she was disturbed by Gu Ziwan's words——

yes! !
Does it matter? !
Could it be that once she knew that Qingming Shenjun's woman was Gu Ziwan, she would desperately drag her to die with her! ?

Moreover, it was only Amber who was talking about this matter from the beginning to the end.

Looking at her flickering eyes, Gu Ziwan took a few steps closer again.

"Sister Amber... don't forget, she is the one who wants you to die the most!!"

yes! !
How many years have they been fighting between the two sisters!
Although she has no intention of harming her younger sister, her younger sister has always wanted to monopolize this body!
Now, she was going to explode her soul, which was equivalent to leaving her body in disguise.

Based on how many years she has known her sister, she must be unwilling!

Therefore, after a short thought, she suddenly stared: "I hope you will fulfill your promise..."

Gu Ziwan's eyes narrowed slightly: "What!?"

See what Amber means, to take action!

But her sister's soul has already exploded, and it will happen sooner or later.

Things have developed to this point, what else can she do? !

Is it—

Gu Ziwan's heart trembled, and her voice trembled: "You can't be..."

Before the voice fell, a faint white aurora erupted from Huber's body again, instantly suppressing the original stars.

Under the suppression of the aurora, the speed and power of the star vortex, like riding a roller coaster, rapidly falling.

"what are you doing……"

Huber's anxious voice suddenly came, and the expression on Huber's face also became crazy.

"Bitch, are you crazy?! You actually used your spirit to suppress me... Aren't you afraid that that woman will take the opportunity to kill our bodies, turning us both into ghosts, wandering forever... "

(End of this chapter)

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