Mad Queen

Chapter 1548 Hunting

Chapter 1548 Hunting
The reason why Ao Beasts are controlled by Ao Beast War Drums is because they have a strong group movement.

As long as one takes action, the other ones will follow without thinking.

They don't care if what awaits them below is a delicacy or a death trap.

Therefore, when the first Ao Beast rushed down, the other Ao Beasts also howled and fell one by one.

Gu Ziwan's eyes flicked to the side, her eyes sharpened, she turned around suddenly, drew out a blood-stained long sword, and slashed across the air with her backhand.


Amidst the trembling sound, a burst of sword energy burst out from the sword body, blasted out, and slashed at the head of the first beast that was close to it.


Blood splattered, and half of the Ao Beast's head flew out.

The remaining half, following its body, staggered and fell away from Gu Ziwan's side.

Hot blood splattered, splashing blood all over her body.

The moment she stood firmly on her heels, the second beast swooped down, opened its mouth wide, and bit her head fiercely.

Hao flipped her wrist, and the long sword came out following her arm.


The left wing of the Ao Beast in the middle was swiped out, and half of its left wing was forcibly cut off.


Roaring, the beast fell to the ground, screaming and rolling out.

Before it got up, it was bitten by other beasts and rolled into a ball in an instant.

As for Gu Ziwan, she jumped up and stepped on the head of a wild animal with her foot. She stepped up suddenly and flew upwards with her strength.

The sword edge spun, slashing open the belly of one of the flying beasts fiercely.


Amidst the screams, its internal organs fell down along with the hot blood.


Ao Beast fell to the ground, fell into its own internal organs, struggling and rolling as it was dying.

Amidst the blood, the long sword in Gu Ziwan's hand rose again, and it stabbed fiercely into the head of the beast.

All the howling stopped abruptly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Gu Ziwan's eyes glinted, and the sword sharpened again, killing the beast that was approaching.

All the wild beasts are like moths to the flame, but after getting close to her, they die.

After just a few breaths, the beasts around her piled up into a hill.

And as the Ao Beast continued to fall, her killing continued.

Looking at the red figure on a pile of Ao beast corpses, the people around seemed to have forgotten the environment they were in, and they watched her sword flipping in amazement——

"That... who is it?!"

"Yeah... how can you kill..."

"Look at the clothes, it's from Kongzong..."

"When did Kongzong's outer disciple become so powerful?!"


Amidst the doubts one after another, the drumbeat that had just disappeared finally sounded again.


With the sound of the drum, the beast that was still rushing forward and continuing to pounce on Gu Ziwan suddenly roared and flew into the air, flying towards where it came from.

Gu Ziwan's eyes flashed a murderous look, the blade of the sword in her hand was spinning, and she was kicked away suddenly.


The long sword pierced through the bodies of two Ao Beasts continuously, pierced into the hind legs of the third Ao Beast, and then flew back to where it came from with its screams.

In the moment of hesitation, everyone suddenly burst into a roar——

"it is good……"

This battle, which seemed to have been a disastrous defeat, unexpectedly reversed the situation by a strange coincidence.

On the side of the gate of heaven, a slender figure dressed in clear water stood elegantly, with slightly raised lips, looking at the blood-soaked woman with a charming smile.

(End of this chapter)

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