Mad Queen

Chapter 1554 Rumors

Chapter 1554 Rumors
Everyone was silent, no one dared to speak.

Qing Fengmu's face turned even darker, and he suddenly shouted: "Elder Qing!!"

He shouted so loudly that Qing Feng Shui trembled in shock.

Qing Fengmu yelled at him like this, because he wanted to do business! !
"Now, can you tell me... where is the disciple who instantly killed the beast of the Heaven Gate?!"

The expressions of these people gave Qing Fengmu an ominous feeling in his heart.

"Is he dead or alive... Can any of you give me the final result?!"


The silence of the crowd made Qingfengmu angry gradually: "Qingfengshui!!"

Qing Fengshui trembled all over, and hurried forward: "Brother..."

"What's going on? Where's that disciple? Couldn't it be because of his serious injury...he died?!"


"What about others?!"


How would Qing Fengshui know how to answer? !
He didn't even know if that person existed!

"'s like this!! Those things...are all's not true!!"

"What did you say?!"

Qing Fengmu's eyes narrowed, and he looked at the other two elders thoughtfully.

Those two people didn't dare to look at him at all, and quickly turned their eyes away to avoid their gaze.

"Let me must be because of your you missed that disciple?!"

On Qingfengmu's body, evil intentions gradually emerged.

"Or... the three of you, didn't take this matter to heart at all, and didn't even investigate that matter?!"

"Brother...we all think it's fake!!"

Qing Fengshui had the courage to laugh with embarrassment.

"Think about it, what is the strength of our Kongzong... Everyone knows it well! The strength of killing the beasts of the Tianmen Gate... Not to mention the disciples of the outer sect, even our disciples of the inner sect can't do it!" outer is it possible?!"

"Yes, yes, suzerain, don't believe in those things... If there are such outer disciples, we have no reason not to know!!"

"Exactly! This must be a rumor... Our Kongzong doesn't have such outer disciples at all..."


The defense of the three made Qing Fengmu more certain about his guess.

"So... all three of you have heard about this, but none of you take this... seriously, right?!"


Qing Fengmu was obviously angry, it was better to shut up at this time.

The three glanced at each other, and the other two kept winking at Qing Fengshui——

After all, he is Qingfengmu's younger brother, even if he said something wrong, he would not lose his life.

Qing Fengshui has no choice but to bite the bullet——

"Um... big brother, the outer disciples we sent to Pingyi to fight that day are still there... If you don't believe me, you can call them over and ask them one by one..."

"Are they still there?!"

Qing Fengmu's eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at the disciples below with burning eyes.

"where are they!?"

Qing Fengshui quickly responded, beckoning people to call out the few outer disciples that day.

Seeing those who were injured and limping up, Qing Fengmu greeted them personally, with a smile on his face.

"Slow down, stop tearing the wound..."

His kindness flattered those outer disciples.

"Sovereign, we are fine..."

"Thank you, Sect Master, for your concern!"


The official smile on Qing Fengmu's face: "It should be, it should be... You have fought with your life and blood for our Kongzong, this suzerain should be grateful..."

(End of this chapter)

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