Mad Queen

Chapter 168

Chapter 168
"Wan'er!" Gu Yan instinctively stepped forward, protecting his sister behind him.

This is the instinctive reaction of being a brother, it has nothing to do with ability!

Even though he knew that he was not Ma Jiu's opponent, his first reaction was to protect his sister.

"Brother, I'm coming!!" Gu Ziwan nudged Gu Yan, motioning for him to lead the people back.

"Little girl, I thought you also had the ability to turn back puppets, but I didn't expect you to be able to break my mist and illusions!! Sure enough, you have some tricks, but... so what?!"

Ma Jiu smiled coldly, and his vitality poured out. Behind him, dozens of puppets and puppets jumped down one after another.

"Be careful!!" Gu Yan and the others hurriedly stood on guard, nervously watching the walking corpses surrounding them, and retreating step by step.

"Kill them! Not one left!!" Ma Jiu roared and waved his arms high.


Gu Ziwan jumped up suddenly, spilling all the blood in her hands, shooting at the puppets.

"Do you still want to come?"

Ma Jiu waved his hand with a sneer, and shot out a black talisman, like a huge net, which caught all the blood drops in an instant.

Amidst the "bang bang" explosion, the blood drops punched countless holes in the black talisman.


Flames sprang up, and the black talisman burned to ashes.

However, Gu Ziwan's attempt to counteract the puppet was interrupted.

It was just this moment of delay, the walking corpses had already rushed in front of Gu Yan and the others.

"Do it!!"

With a yell, Gu Yan suddenly drew a long sword from his back.

Ma Jiu sneered disdainfully: "Things that don't have a long memory!!"

Ordinary weapons can't hurt these living dead at all.


The sword edge slashed under the neck of a puppet.


A black smoke came out, and the puppet twitched backwards, fell to the ground in an instant, and twitched into a ball.

At the same time, the other walking dead didn't end well, they all fell down smoking black smoke.

Looking at the puppets of the corpses, Ma Jiu suddenly understood, and looked at the weapons of Gu Yan and others in horror.

"Those swords..."

He suddenly looked at Gu Ziwan.

These things can only be hurt by weapons with spells added.

Gu Ziwan raised her left hand, smiling like a flower: "Hi!"

In her left palm, a corner of the skirt is wrapped.

Ma Jiu understood instantly: "Is it your blood?!"

But then he shook his head in horror.

"No... Impossible!! Could it be that what you used to backlash the puppet just now was your blood, not magic??"

He thought that Gu Ziwan was able to control the puppet because of the talisman technique she had practiced, but he didn't expect that it was her blood that worked.

If her blood can directly attack the puppets, she will naturally have the ability to hurt them.

"What the hell are you? What's in your blood?? Why can you deter them?!"

Gu Ziwan smiled evilly, and looked around seductively: "If I were you, I would think about how to get out of here!"

Ma Jiu looked around in horror, only to realize that everything in front of him had changed.

Gu Yan and others disappeared, and there was no trace of Cai Cai's secret room, replaced by a burning pit of flames.

The scorching air blasted towards his face, burning his skin.


Amidst the screams, he instinctively blocked it with his hands.

With the sound of "Chi Chi", the skin on his arm was instantly burned off.

The burnt smell hits the nostrils.

Gu Ziwan's cold voice floated in a trance: "Do you know where this is? Nine Nether Hell!! Here, only by burning your sins with Nine Nether Karmic Fire can you be reincarnated and be a new person!!"

(End of this chapter)

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