Mad Queen

Chapter 249 Kill them

Chapter 249 Kill them

Gu Ziwan's smile froze: "What did you say?"

The girl became more and more frantic: "What did you say?? You don't understand?? Why do you have such a strong fox smell on your body!! So it's inherited from your mother!!"

"Ha ha……"

The other five girls laughed in unison.

"That's right!! If your mother wasn't born to be coquettish and promiscuous, how could she have seduced her husband's sworn brother?! Some women are born lascivious, and this kind of debauchery will also be passed on to their daughters of!!"

"Ha ha……"

Gu Ziwan's black eyes flashed a sharp golden color, which flashed across for a moment, and at that moment, the fingertips slashed a sharp line, drawing a symbol in the sleeve.

"seal up!!"

The five girls who were laughing suddenly fell silent.

Their mouths were still open, but there was a strange silence in their mouths.

The girl in the lead couldn't help but froze: "What's wrong with you?!"

The girls panicked and pointed to their mouths, but they couldn't make any sound.


While everyone was horrified, Gu Ziwan's cold and evil voice sounded again.


Five blood arrows shot out from the mouths of the five girls, and a section of bright red tongue mixed with blood flew to the ground.


Amidst the sobbing and screaming, the five girls screamed and fell to the ground, struggling to crawl in all directions.

Gu Ziwan's black eyes showed a murderous look, and her eyes slowly looked at the girl who spoke rudely.

"What did you say?!"

The girl looked at her in horror, like watching a god of death coming out of hell, her eyes trembled and her body trembled.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Gu Ziwan's lips: "It's okay, if you say it ten times, I won't pull out your tongue... because their sins can be cleared up with just a piece of tongue, but not yours! !"

She turned away slightly, the cuteness in her eyes couldn't be connected with the killer just now.


The girl seemed to have finally come to her senses, and quickly ran away screaming.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she moved, she was grabbed by an invisible force.

"Want to leave? It's easy!!"

Gu Ziwan's light laughter rang in her ears.

"As long as you do what I say, I'll let you go!!"

"You... what are you going to do?? The crown prince is here, don't mess around!!" The girl couldn't escape, she could only struggle in vain.

"Fucking?? How could I be fooling around? As you said, the crown prince is here!!"

Gu Ziwan turned to face the girl with a pure and innocent smile.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!!"

Her smile made the girl even more creepy: "You...what are you going to do?"

"Help you choose a way to survive..."

Flipping his hands, a dagger landed in Gu Ziwan's palm.

The girl retreated instinctively: "You... what are you doing?!"

"Kill them!!"


Without waiting for the girl to talk nonsense, Gu Ziwan's dagger was pressed against her neck, and her voice suddenly turned cold.

"You killed them, or I killed you!!"

"You..." The girl looked at the partners around her in horror.

These people are usually her sisters, how could it be possible to ask her to kill her? !
"No... I can't do it!!"

"That's good! Then I'll kill you!!"

Gu Ziwan raised her lips evilly, and the dagger directly approached, cutting the skin under her neck instantly.

The pain spread down the girl's neck, causing her to cry out in shock.

"No, don't kill me..."

(End of this chapter)

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