Mad Queen

Chapter 27 New Jobs

Chapter 27 New Jobs

With her eyes lowered slightly, she looked towards the cellar at the corner of the room.

Because the weather in Xizidang is cold, if you want to store dried vegetables in winter, you must use the cellar.

Taking advantage of the time when her parents cleaned up the dishes, she jumped into the cellar, took out three bags of rice and two bags of white flour from the interspatial ring, sprinkled dust on them to make them old, and then carefully covered the cellar.

When Gu Niancheng came in, Gu Ziwan was poking her butt and scratching something.

"Wan'er, what are you doing?!"

"Father, my vegetable cake fell into it..." Gu Ziwan bit the vegetable cake in her mouth, trying to make herself cute.

Emma, ​​I'm so tired! !
"Where did it go?"

Gu Niancheng rubbed his daughter's little head lovingly, but his gaze was fixed by the gap by the cellar.

"Why is there a hole here?"

Gu Ziwan sweats!
Her handsome father is strong and strong, but he doesn't have much experience.

He spent the first half of his life in the capital, and the second half of his life was over before it even started, so it's not surprising that he didn't know about the Xizidang cellar.

After opening the cellar, Gu Niancheng's expression froze again.

"This is??"

He couldn't wait to open a bag of flour, with a look of disbelief on his face: "Here...why are there so many grains?!"

In the next second, he immediately covered the cellar and ran out eagerly.

"Lin Lang..."

Before taking two steps, she hurried back to tell Gu Ziwan.

"Wan'er, don't tell anyone what you saw just now, you know?!"


of course I know! !
In Xizidang, where food rations are restricted, food is worth as much as gold.

Hua Linlang was also intimidated by the food in the cellar, but was pleasantly surprised immediately, and couldn't wait to make some bread first.

While eating the flatbread, the couple guessed the source of the food, but in the end they couldn't figure out why.

But in the end it was agreed that as long as no one came to pick it up, they would eat first.

I'm going to starve to death, so I don't have the time to worry about other people's life and death!

When it was getting dark, Lu Chi came leisurely with the patrol team.

"General Gu, how are you doing these days?"

Gu Niancheng was repairing Gu Ziwan's crib, and he didn't raise his head when he heard the words.

"Vice General Lu speaks up if you have something to say, don't pretend to be so polite!"

"General Gu is still so angry! Well, I'll just say it straight... Your food should be almost enough, right?!"

Gu Niancheng stopped abruptly, "What do you mean?"

"I can offer you a job!"


"Of course, otherwise, what do you eat and drink? General Gu, don't forget, you are a body of sin, and it stands to reason that you have to farm in shackles! Now you don't have to go to the field, but you have to do things... Otherwise, if someone from above comes to investigate, I can't evade it, can I?"

"What do you want me to do??"

"The gates of the northern city still lack a few guards. General Gu is a person from the imperial city. Being a guard is his job, right?? Gate guards, ten copper coins a month, thirty catties of rice flour, and two baskets Vegetables, ten catties of meat, some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar... Once done, there will be a reward! General Gu, how are you doing?!"

Gu Niancheng thought that Lu Chi would make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect to arrange such an easy job.

"Okay! I promise you!!"

"Then pack it up, I'll get someone to take you there tomorrow morning!!"

Lu Chi glanced at the wooden bed, and shook his head in shock: "Come here, get some felt blankets and animal skins for them, and the cost will be deducted from General Gu's wages!!"

(End of this chapter)

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