Mad Queen

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

"Looking for someone?? It's just looking for someone, but you have alarmed the god... Do you think the god is a demon who comes and goes when he is called?!" The voice of the black shadow was suddenly cold.


The veil of the whole room flew up at that moment, frightened Li Miaoer knelt down, her face paled.

"Great God, I really had to find you this time, so let's do this, we will definitely give you twice as much as you want this time!"

"Give me double?!"

The veil fell, and the black shadow seemed to be much less angry.

"Since it's a double offering, I won't bother with you... In this way, you can give me the information of the person you are looking for and the location of the last disappearance, and I will help you find out..."

"it is good!"

Aunt Jiang was overjoyed, she quickly took the map, put the silver ring on the map, and stepped aside respectfully.

The black smoke completely drilled out of the ring, merged into the map, and disappeared.


Under the flower hall.

Gu Ziwan's eyes trembled, and the surrounding torches jumped at the same time in an instant.

In the momentary darkness, the light gradually recovered.

Jian Shisan turned his head slowly, frowning slightly: "Second Miss, this torch...why is it weird?!"

Gu Ziwan slowly picked up the teacup, a sharp light flashed in her eyes: "Someone broke into the space I created!!"

The mysterious space created by Gu Ziwan is not solid because of its limited cultivation, and anyone with a little bit of ability can easily break into it.

"Then what should we do??" Jian Shisan's expression tightened: "Zhong Feiting and that General Chen are still inside!!"

"This person broke into my space, presumably because of them..."

Gu Ziwan drank the tea lightly, her expression was still calm and breezy, without any sign of panic.

"Then...then how do we do it?? Or, I'll meet him when I go in??"

"Will you meet him?? Which one??" Gu Ziwan raised her eyes evilly: "Do you know that it is not human beings who enter my space..."

"Not human??" Jian Shisan's back tightened, his whole body stiffened a bit: "What is that?? Ghost??"

"It's a monster!!"

Sword Thirteen is at a loss -_-!
What kind of monster is this, and what is it? ?

"The monster is a kind of monster. It is similar to the mountain monster and the mountain spirit. It is a kind of spiritual body. They have no form, but only a form. If they want to survive, they must live in the body of some living thing. Symbiosis!"

"Then... how did this thing enter your space?!"

"I don't know! However, it definitely didn't come by mistake!!"

Gu Ziwan slowly put down the teacup, the corners of her lips raised evilly.

"Jian Shisan, you are in charge of this place for the time being, I will meet this monster!!"

Before Jian Shisan could respond, Gu Ziwan's figure had already disappeared.


Jian Shisan murmured, always feeling something weird.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Didn't the second lady say that this guy is a mountain spirit? How could there be such a thing in the capital?!"


Space, in the white mist.

The farther the monster moved forward, the heavier he felt, as if all the water vapor in the white mist was on his body.

"What the hell is this place?? The human world is not like the human world, and a ghost city is not like a ghost city? Can't you see people when you are born, and ghosts when you die?!"

"This is space!! As a monster, you haven't even seen space, have you?" Gu Ziwan's voice came calmly from behind.

The monster suddenly turned around and looked at Gu Ziwan in disbelief: " know who I am?!"

(End of this chapter)

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