Mad Queen

Chapter 280 Chi Dan

Chapter 280 Chi Dan
"I said!! I can help you transform into - human - form!!" Gu Ziwan almost paused every word, her black eyes burning brightly, and the clouds were calm and breezy.

But Sha Hua became restless for a moment: "How can you help me?!"

"Red Dan!!"

"Chidan?? What is it??" Sha Hua was a little confused.

He only knows—practice is self-cultivation in accordance with the destiny.

Since ancient times, whether human beings or spirits, in order to obtain higher abilities, the only way is to practice slowly, step by step.

"Chidan is the inner alchemy of the red fox dark beast. It can help your spirit body accelerate the transformation and absorption of spiritual energy, so that you can transform into a human being faster!! According to my observation, your cultivation has already been trapped in a bottleneck, as long as you break through Once you get past this bottleneck, you can transform into a human being..."

"Not bad!! But this Chi Dan..."

Sand painting is still a little hesitant.

He didn't have much contact with these things, so he didn't dare to believe too much.

"Gu Ziwan, you help me transform into a human, do you want to enshrine me..."

"Ha ha……"

Before Sha Hua finished speaking, she was interrupted by Gu Ziwan's laughter.

"Shahua, I'm not talking about you, you really think too much!! With my ability, what you can do, I can do by myself, and what I can't do, you can't do either!! "

"Then...why do you still help me??" Although Sha Hua knew that his thoughts were simple, he also knew the way of getting rewarded for nothing.

He dare not accept the benefits for no reason.

"I want that ring!!" Gu Ziwan said directly.


"Yes! When you are still a mountain spirit, you can continue to live in that ring, but when you transform into a human and no longer need to parasitize, I hope you can give me that ring!!"

Gu Ziwan raised her head resolutely, her black eyes glistened with a gleam.

"To be straightforward, I'm here for that ring!!"

Sha Hua hesitated slightly: "The ring...what's the matter?? I only know that the aura of the ring is compelling, very domineering..."

"Sha Hua, no matter what that ring is, to you, it's just a ring, it doesn't matter!! But to me, it's unusual! Otherwise, I wouldn't use Chi Dan and You exchange!!"

The inner alchemy of the red fox and dark beast is worth millions of gold coins, and there is no market for it, so you can't buy it with money.

But to Gu Ziwan, one million gold coins is nothing compared to that ring.

Sha Hua hesitated, and finally gritted his teeth: "Okay, as long as you help me transform into a human, I will give you the ring!!"

Gu Ziwan's smile faded instantly, she turned her fingertips, and squeezed out a pill.

"So, we've made a deal?!"

"Red Dan!!"

The moment he saw the elixir, Sha Hua felt the blood in his body swell wildly.

They seemed to be attracted by something, boiling and rolling.

"Do you feel that the blood is surging, uncontrollable?!"

Gu Ziwan squeezed Chi Dan, and got a little closer again.

"This is because your body has felt Chidan's aura...the stronger the feeling, the more harmonious they will be when they fuse together later!"

The sand painting is suddenly taken from the void, after inhaling the red pill, the black smoke forms a line, and all of it is absorbed into the red pill.

The huge figure disappeared into the red core in the blink of an eye, and disappeared.


A burst of fluctuations came from the red core, instantly breaking through the surrounding mist.

Gu Ziwan's pupils shrank suddenly: "Merged..."


Chidan exploded and disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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