Mad Queen

Chapter 286 What are you in a hurry for?

Chapter 286 What are you in a hurry for?

"I've heard about this too..."

Concubine Zhong sat down beside the emperor, brought a cup of tea with a sweet smile, and lowered her eyes to play with it.

"I heard from the palace that it was Gui Qianjin who brought those ladies to stop the second girl of the Gu family, and then..."

Raising her eyes slightly, there was a little strangeness in her eyes, and her smile was still pure.

"Then he insulted Mrs. Gu and said something about her..."

She suddenly stopped talking and looked behind her thoughtfully.

"Xiang'er, what have you heard?!"

Xiang'er is Concubine Zhong's personal maid-in-waiting. Hearing this, she squatted down and saluted with a timid look on her face.

"The slaves dare not!"

General Chen's expression changed a lot earlier, and he quickly kowtowed: "Mother, don't listen to the villain's slander and insult the little girl!! The little girl has always been pure and gentle, never arguing with others, how can she insult others, and she has never met Madam Gu?!"

The emperor cast an indifferent glance at Concubine Zhong, still calm and calm: "Concubine Zhong, what is going on?? Xiang'er has lived in the deep palace for a long time, how could she know about the Women's College? Don't you know that I hate the most? What you want is to tell right and wrong, spread rumors?!"

Xiang'er didn't change her face, and raised her head calmly: "Back to the emperor, this servant did not spread rumors, everything was witnessed by this servant! On that day, this servant was ordered by the empress to serve the prince, so I also went to the Women's College The reason why I dare not say it is because the words of Miss Chen and others are taboo to listen to, and the servants are afraid that if they say it, they will dirty the ears of the sage!"


The emperor seemed to be interested, and waved Xiang'er to get up.

"General Chen is good at teaching daughters, Miss Chen is also considered a famous lady, what unpleasant things can you say? Come and listen..."

Xiang'er was about to open her mouth, but Concubine Zhong stopped her with her hands.

"Your Majesty, according to my concubine's opinion, it's better for the person involved to be here!! Otherwise, if you only listen to one-sided words, it will easily lead to an unjust case!"

"Then what does Concubine Yi Ai mean?!"

"Why don't you send Gu Ziwan and the other ladies here, and let the emperor judge the case face to face! One is to give General Chen justice, and the other is to set the record straight, so that these ladies have nothing to do with each other and mess around together. The young lady's appearance makes people laugh!!"

General Chen turned his eyes sharply, wondering what Concubine Zhong meant by his words.

On the surface, it sounds like he is talking to him, but after careful consideration, why does it seem like he is helping the Gu family? !

"General Chen, what do you think?" The emperor lowered his head and asked calmly, unable to see his expression clearly.

"Everything for this humble minister depends entirely on the emperor's decision!"

"That's good!! Come here, tell the second daughter of the Gu family and those young ladies to enter the palace!"


The eunuch received the edict and rushed to deliver the decree.

General Chen stood there, embarrassed: "Your Majesty, the crimes that Weichen and others suffered in Gu's house..."

"General Chen, what are you anxious about?" Concubine Zhong peeled off a lotus seed with slender fingers, and gently put it into the teacup: "Everything has a cause and an effect, if we don't know the cause, just look at the consequences Isn’t it unfair to some people?! Besides, one is one, and two is two. Since General Chen stands on the principle, the emperor decides earlier and later. Is there any difference? Wouldn't it be better for General Chen to be patient and wait for the parties to come over with us, ask the cause and effect clearly, and then deal with it?!"

Gently stirring the lotus seed tea, she offered it with smiling hands.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?!"

(End of this chapter)

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