Mad Queen

Chapter 313: A 3-Year Covenant

Chapter 313 The Three-Year Covenant
"Really? Then your master is the same as me!! I also think this smell can refresh you!!"

Che was interested in her in the next life, and waved with a gentle smile.

"Come and tell me, who is your master?!"

Gu Ziwan stepped forward with a shy look like a little girl: "My don't even know if I tell you!!"

While speaking, Mu Shui rushed towards him holding the dry smoke in his hand.

"Uncle Che!"

Che was about to pick him up in his next life, but Gu Ziwan picked him up first.

"Let me roll it for you!! I used to roll cigarettes for my master..."


Che Laisheng looked at her rolling the tobacco leaves with a smile on his lips, but the smile gradually froze.

Because he discovered that Gu Ziwan's method of rolling cigarette leaves was the same as his.

His eyes were slightly cold, and he glanced at Gu Ziwan calmly, but in the end he didn't say anything, but took the cigarette with a smile.

"What's your name?!"

"Gu Ziwan!"

"Want to worship me as a teacher?!"

Gu Ziwan's eyes visibly trembled, and her little hands trembled slightly.

Bai Che being a teacher in the next life, will it mean that everything in the future will repeat the same mistakes.

However, in her previous life, she was worshiped under Che's next life when she was ten years old.

In this life, she is less than nine years old.

If you are apprenticed to a teacher now, it means that you are not following the fate of your previous life.

With the skirt swinging slightly, Gu Ziwan resolutely knelt down in front of Che Laisheng.

"Disciple Gu Ziwan, bow down to Master!"

She was about to kowtow, but was stopped by Che Laisheng.

"Wait a minute! What I said is that I can accept you as an apprentice, but not now!! As a person, I only opened the door to accept apprentices in three years!"

He pointed to Mu Shuiyi at one side.

"See, her name is Mu Shuiyi, and like you, she also wants to worship me as a teacher, but you all have to wait until the next year when I formally accept apprentices before you can call me master!!"

The year after next? !
Gu Ziwan's breathing suddenly stopped! !

Isn't she ten years old? !

If this is the case, then everything seems to have entered the track of the previous life! !

However, she knows Che's rule of accepting apprentices every three years in his next life! !

It seems that all this is reasonable and impeccable.

Seeing that Gu Ziwan's expression was slightly different, Che took a puff of tobacco, "What? You don't want to?!"

"No!!" Gu Ziwan's eyes fell on Mu Shuiyi: "I am willing!!"

In three years, she will become even stronger.

Until then, watch how she crushes her! !

Entering the Prince Confucianism Hall on the first day was more like a meeting.

Wu Sheng took her around inside and got to know a lot of people before sending her out.

Once out of the space, Gu Ziwan saw a slender figure standing with hands behind his back at the door.

"Xuanyuan Yutian?!"

Hearing the movement behind him, he tilted his head slightly, and the corners of his lips seemed to be smiling.

"See all of them?!"

Gu Ziwan's heart moved slightly: "What did you see?!"

Turning around slightly, his eyes were as deep as an abyss, bottomless, cleansed of awe-inspiring charm.

"You know what I'm talking about!!"

Gu Ziwan stood quietly, her black eyes burning like flames: "You mean Che's next life?!"

Xuanyuan Yutian raised his lips and chuckled noncommittally, lowering his eyes slightly: "I thought you would say another name!!"

"Who?!" Gu Ziwan's pupils shrank.

But he smiled faintly, shook his hands and left without saying another word.

Behind him, Gu Ziwan took a deep breath and suddenly closed her eyes.

She knew who Xuanyuan Yutian was talking about! !

Mu Shuiyi! !

(End of this chapter)

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