Mad Queen

Chapter 316

Chapter 316
Entering the Xiaoqi camp again, Gu Niancheng feels like a world away!

Everything is so familiar to the eyes, but so strange.

What is familiar is that everything here is the same as before!
Strange, because at this time things have changed!
None of his former subordinates could be seen anymore! !
Zhen Hua showed off and pointed to the martial arts training ground in the distance: "Brother Gu, look, there are our new recruits this year, all of them are alive and well!!"

Gu Niancheng felt uncomfortable, but still had to smile perfunctorily.

Gu Ziwan squeezed forward and pushed Zhen Hua aside: "Father, this is where you used to train soldiers?!"

The corners of Zhen Hua's mouth twitched, but he had to maintain a kind and gentle smile.

"Hey, this is the second lady, right? I haven't seen you for a few years, and it looks like I'm going to grow into a big girl..."

Gu Ziwan continued to ignore him as if she was blind and deaf, and turned her small head to look around with curiosity on her face.

"Father, where are the soldiers you trained before?! Why didn't they come to welcome you when they saw you?!"

Everyone looked at Zhen Hua instantly.

He was embarrassed for a while.

"That... newcomer for old one!! Veteran... Naturally, he will go to other places to serve..."

Gu Ziwan's gaze finally fell on him, with a pure smile and innocent eyes.

"General Zhen, my father has only been away for three years. In your barracks, you won't have a big change in three years, and you haven't left half of my father's soldiers?!"

Zhen Hua became more and more embarrassed: "This...Second Miss, you don't understand the matter of leading troops!!"

He seemed to cover up and waved towards the training ground.

"Many lieutenants, quickly bring your people over to meet General Gu!!"


There was a roar on the training ground, and the momentum was not small.

Hundreds of soldiers and guards who were training quickly formed a team, and came galloping under the leadership of many lieutenants.

"General Zhen, Eunuch Gui!!"

Several lieutenants clasped their fists to salute, but Gu Niancheng was the only one left behind.

"How many lieutenants?!" Eunuch Gui frowned thoughtfully: "Why do I think he looks familiar?!"

"Back to the father-in-law!! My father is Duo's servant!!" Lieutenant Duo stared fiercely at Gu Ziwan, not hiding his hatred.

Gu Ziwan raised her eyebrows suddenly: "Your servant..."

So his sister was among the girls whose tongues were pulled out! !
Eunuch Gui's expression darkened: "General Zhen, what do you mean?!"

Duoduo and Gu's family are obviously rivals.

Now that he has brought people from many families over, won't it make it difficult for the Gu family to step down? !

Zhen Hua frowned innocently: "Eunuch Gui, I can't help it!! Yesterday, I received an order from the emperor, saying that he wanted to recruit Gu Niancheng to return to the Xiaoqi Camp as a lieutenant general! I thought about it at the time, he is the lieutenant general! , many lieutenants are also lieutenants, these two people have the same official positions, and they will definitely work together at the same table in the future, I can't hide it, so I invited a few lieutenants to discuss it, but who knows..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by several lieutenants with a sneer.

"Gui Gonggong, this matter has nothing to do with General Zhen!! It's the meaning of the subordinate!"

He walked towards Gu Niancheng provocatively, his eyes resentful.

"The lower official has long heard of Vice-General Gu's reputation, and has always wanted to learn it! So he boldly proposed to the general that he wants to learn some martial arts with Vice-General Gu!!"

What he said was high-sounding and business-like, even Eunuch Gui looked at Gu Niancheng helplessly.

It is common to be provoked to compete in the military.

Gu Niancheng was about to step forward, but Yan Du suddenly stepped out.

"I come!!"

(End of this chapter)

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