Mad Queen

Chapter 320 The Empress Dowager's Invitation

Chapter 320 The Empress Dowager's Invitation

And the most important thing is that she received an invitation to the Queen Mother's birthday banquet.

Looking at the golden phoenix in front of her, Gu Ziwan→_→

"The Empress Dowager's birthday banquet?? What does this mean?! Didn't you already have a banquet last year?!"

I have a big chat! !

Why is this not over yet? !
She is not afraid of arousing public grievances if she lives in such a laborious and costly manner! !
Gu Niancheng drank tea unhurriedly: "Your birthday is celebrated every year, let alone the Queen Mother!"

"But she's over her, why did she invite me?!"

Gu Ziwan had heard a little about the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet last year.

It is said that all officials and ladies over the age of ten and under the age of 20, as long as they are waiting to be married, are invited into the imperial palace.

The Empress Dowager's birthday banquet was abruptly turned into a blind date for the princes to choose their concubines.

Those Yingying and Yanyan ladies and princes, in front of the Queen Mother, dare to flirt with each other unscrupulously.

Not to mention, last year they really made up two couples, and this year they have already married.

"You are not the only one invited to the Queen Mother's birthday banquet this year!!"

Gu Niancheng took out another invitation card from his sleeve and threw it in front of Gu Ziwan.

"This is for your brother..."

"my brother?!"


Brother, what kind of fun is this? !

Gu Ziwan quickly opened the post, and actually invited Gu Yan's invitation.

"The Queen Mother...give my brother an invitation...why?!"

"It is said that it was because the Queen Mother enjoyed playing last year, so this year she decided to make it even bigger. Not only did you invite a boudoir lady like you, but even a young talent like your brother was also invited..."

Gu Ziwan is speechless O__O"

"But... But my brother is talking with sister Banyue, isn't it good?!"

With the acquiescence of the two adults, Banyue and Gu Yan have already talked to the point of discussing marriage.

"They are talking, but they are not engaged yet! The above means that as long as they are not engaged, they must be invited, just for the sake of having fun and making the old lady happy!!"

Gu Niancheng put down the teacup with heavy eyes, and looked into the distance with deep eyes.

"This time, in addition to the Kyoto Guards, the Xiaoqi Battalion also dispatched a guard team and Imperial Guards! The three parties work together to protect the safety of the imperial city!"

Gu Ziwan saw that her father's expression was different, so she got up and snuggled up to him.

"Father, are you still struggling with the unification of your guards?!"

It stands to reason that the emperor asked Gu Niancheng to return to the Xiaoqi Camp, most likely because he wanted to restore him to the same position as the guards, and let him continue to lead the Kyoto guards.

But it has been more than a year, and Gu Niancheng is still a small lieutenant in the Xiaoqi Battalion, just helping to train recruits.


Gu Niancheng lowered his head, hiding the disappointment in his eyes.

"The guards are all in the same position. To me, it's just a false name. It doesn't matter!! What matters is that my former brothers have all come back and reorganized the Gu family army, which can be regarded as an end to my worries!! "

He said it simply, but Gu Ziwan could still see the disappointment in his eyes.

The lieutenant general of the Xiaoqi battalion and the commander of the guards are not only short of official positions, but also of rights and dignity.

Over the past year, people have been eager to cling to the Gu family at the beginning, and now they are in the mood of watching a show!

Because for them, the emperor might just take care of the old friendship, so Gu Niancheng had something to do, not what they imagined, asking the official to return to his original position and continue to reuse him.

(End of this chapter)

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