Mad Queen

Chapter 350 The Walking Dead

Chapter 350 The Walking Dead
The evil smile faded from the corner of Gu Ziwan's lips, and she walked towards Zhen Hua slowly.

Drinking a cup of hot tea will destroy the vocal cords.

If he doesn't rest for three to five years, he won't even try to talk!
This can be regarded as punishment for his unscrupulous words!

"Everyone, take care! The current Master Zhen has obtained the power of the spell and can control it!"

Pulling out a formula with his fingertips, the hair broke with a "snap".

Zhen Hua's eyes also opened suddenly at that moment, and he stood up abruptly, causing the two little eunuchs to back away screaming in fright.

"Walking corpses are the simplest method of manipulation. After the spell enters the body, you can control them with your thoughts!"

Under her control, Lord Zhen knelt down towards the emperor with a "plop", and kowtowed three times.

Heads hit the ground, and everyone's heads hurt from knocking.

After three strokes, Zhen Hua's forehead was already bleeding.


Following Gu Ziwan's low shout, Zhen Hua suddenly stood up, turned around with a blank expression, and walked towards Xiang Zhengming step by step.

"You... What are you going to do?!" Xiang Zhengming retreated instinctively.

When he got closer, he realized that it was Gu Ziwan who was manipulating the scene behind the scenes, so he turned to her immediately.


Before he finished speaking, Zhen Hua slapped him hard on the cheek.


Everyone's bodies could not help but tilt slightly following the slap, baring their teeth and gasping.

It hurts (╯﹏╰)
After Zhen Hua's slap, Xiang Zhengming became dizzy and bloody from his nose and mouth.

Before he could wake up, Zhen Hua had left expressionlessly and walked towards General Chen.

General Chen's back froze suddenly.

He could see it.

Gu Ziwan is taking the opportunity to retaliate!
"Your Majesty..." He hurried to the Emperor and hid behind him as if begging for help.

The emperor's eyes darkened, and he looked at Gu Ziwan with more thoughtfulness.

"Gu Ziwan!!"

"Your Majesty, don't get me wrong, I won't do anything foolish! This is to demonstrate the function of walking corpses, lest some people don't know the secrets and talk nonsense!"

Gu Ziwan did not stop Zhen Hua, but still led him closer to General Chen.

General Chen had no way to retreat, so he could only stand there stiffly, secretly preparing for defense.

He wouldn't be like Xiang Zhengming, standing there foolishly and being beaten in vain!

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw Zhen Hua open his arms towards him.

General Chen didn't even think about it, he just slapped it out.


In the middle of Zhen Hua's chest.

His body was instantly sent flying, and he fell to the ground like a dead dog.

But after a while, he jumped up again, still walking towards General Chen step by step.

At this moment, General Chen almost collapsed.

Seeing Zhen Hua coming, he didn't even have the courage to slap him again.

He was afraid that he would not be able to control his next slap and would beat Zhen Hua to death!
Unexpectedly, Zhen Hua didn't hit him with his hands, but opened his arms, hugged the bewildered General Chen, and kissed him deeply.

what? !!
Two big men!
In front of the emperor, mouth to mouth like this? !

The emperor suddenly looked away, and looked at Gu Ziwan angrily: "Gu Ziwan!"

Gu Ziwan raised her eyebrows lightly, and moved her fingertips again, causing Zhen Hua to take two steps back.

"I don't know if there is another adult who wants to try walking corpses?"

All the ministers retreated tacitly.

No one wants to touch this perverted thing again!

"What? Nobody?"

Gu Ziwan's eyes flicked across the crowd, and the evil gradually became more serious.

"So, now no one has any doubts about my brother's contact with sister Banyue?!"

(End of this chapter)

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