Mad Queen

Chapter 359

Chapter 359
From the bottom of her heart, Li Miaoer wished for her to leave quickly, but on the face she was still reluctant to part.

"Aunt Jiang, if you really leave, how will I live the rest of my life..."

"Your Majesty, there is always a banquet in the world, and it is impossible for me to accompany you forever. I can only rely on my own strength to clear the way for your mother, so that you can rest easy in the days to come!"

Li Miaoer was so moved that she cried like a mourner.

"I'll leave this matter to Aunt Jiang. Don't worry, I won't let you die in vain. At that time, I will definitely give you a rich funeral and enshrine a longevity tablet for you, so that you can enjoy the incense forever..."

A flash of madness flashed in Aunt Jiang's eyes: "I don't care about incense, I want it! It's Gu Ziwan who will die!!"


Gu Mansion.

"Ah sneeze..."

Gu Ziwan, who was sleeping, suddenly sneezed loudly and woke herself up.

She rubbed her nose and rolled over.

"Your uncle, why are you sneezing so well..."

She was covered with a thin quilt, the doors and windows were closed, and she didn't catch cold, so how could she sneeze.

all of a sudden—

Gu Ziwan opened her eyes, her black pupils turned around, as if she remembered something, she turned over, opened the window, and looked at the night sky.

"Yuqian star map... the master is declining, the Tao is dejected..."

She suddenly gasped.

"Could it be that from now on, I'm going to have bad luck... I'm going to be unlucky?!"

"Miss, what are you muttering about?!"

Feng Ming, who was waiting in the outside room, rubbed his eyes and got up, and walked over in a daze.

"It's cold at night, what are you doing standing by the window?"

"Fengming, come here..."


"What do you see?"

Gu Ziwan pointed to the night sky.


Feng Ming looked at the past with his eyes covered, still looking like he was still awake.

"There are only stars in the sky...there is no moon..."

The moon had already set and was blocked by the ridge of the roof.

"This sky full of stars, what do you see?!"

"The stars...what else could it be?!"

"First glance!! What did you see in the star map at your first glance?!"


Although Feng Ming didn't understand, he still looked at it seriously.

"a leaf……"

She made a virtual circle in the air with her hand.

"Look here, it looks like a leaf, and it also looks like a petal..."

Gu Ziwan glanced at her slightly, with a faint smile.

"The leaf is in the shape of a flower, the main peach blossom, good luck...Fengming, your peach blossom is here..."

Feng Ming lost all sleepiness in an instant, and his pink cheeks were flushed.

"Miss, you don't sleep most of the night, what are you talking about here?!"

"I'm not talking nonsense... have you heard of stargazing at night?!"

Feng Ming's expression suddenly trembled, and he suddenly looked at the night sky: "Miss, you were watching the stars at night just now?!"

"There are many kinds of star observation at night. The most accurate method is to calculate the variables between the sky and the earth based on the arrangement and shape of each star, the course of travel, the distance between them and the surrounding stars, the brightness of the stars, the number of times they shine, etc. ...However, there is a more special method of stargazing, which is the method I used just now..."

Gu Ziwan twitched her lips playfully, looking at the starry sky, her eyes flickered.

"The picture we see with our naked eyes is our fortune for a period of time in the future!!"

The star map that Feng Ming saw meant that she had started to have good luck and was very happy.

But her star map is an unlucky bad star map.

This means that in the future, she will be plagued by bad luck and everything will be unfavorable.

It can cost you money, but it can kill you.

(End of this chapter)

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