Mad Queen

Chapter 363 Using Her Head as a Sacrifice

Chapter 363 Using Her Head as a Sacrifice

This news is like a bomb exploded in Kyoto.

For a while, people's favorite topic of discussion after dinner was the legendary story of this young lady.

into the night—

Gu's mansion, which had been in trouble for a whole day, finally regained its calm.

Except for Gu Ziwan's crazy screams from time to time, the Gu residence was completely silent.

The moon rises, the stars fade.

Gu Ziwan's boudoir gradually became quiet, Feng Ming, who had been tossing around all day, was dozing at the foot of the bed, while Yan Du and Jian Shisan were leaning on both sides of the door, also dozing off.

No one noticed that Gu Ziwan, who was already sound asleep, suddenly bent over and sat up, staring at the front with blank eyes, expressionless.

After sitting in a daze for a while, she got out of bed silently, dressed in a middle coat, walked in front of Jian Shisan and Yan Du, and walked towards the backyard.

The two were still asleep, and did not respond to Gu Ziwan's passing.

In front of Gu Ziwan, Aunt Jiang appeared silently, smiling ferociously.

"Gu Ziwan, come on... Come to me, there is a good show waiting for you tonight..."

Gu Ziwan's eyes were blank, and she left with Aunt Jiang's figure expressionless.

In the western suburbs of the imperial city, an abandoned ancient temple.

A halo of moonlight was cast from the hole above, forming a slanted triangle.

Aunt Jiang stopped in the light circle, raising her head to absorb the essence of moonlight.

In the corner of the ancient temple, a girl's body was lying on one side, with blood on her neck.

Gu Ziwan stood still behind her, like a walking dead, without any expression change.

Turning her head slightly, Aunt Jiang looked at Gu Ziwan, as if she was admiring a spoil, and she became more and more proud the more she looked at it.

"Haha... Gu Ziwan, I thought you were so powerful, but it turns out that you are just a fancy embroidered pillow!!"

"It's worth it..."

A sound of horseshoes galloped from a distance, and stopped outside the temple gate after a while.

"Isn't this sick? You don't sleep in the middle of the night, let me come to this ghost place..." Li Miaoshan came from outside the door muttering.

Seeing Gu Ziwan with his back turned to him, he screamed "Ah", and before he could turn around and run away, he was pushed in by the people behind.

"Master Li, what are you afraid of? She has been controlled by Aunt Jiang, and now she is an unconscious walking corpse, and cannot hurt you!"

The speaker's voice was slightly hoarse, it was the man's voice that Gu Ziwan heard at the foot of the rockery that day.

"Fang...Fang Dang, did you...get her here?!"

Gu Ziwan left an absolute shadow in Li Miaoshan's heart.

As soon as he saw her, he felt tense all over, inexplicably nervous.

Aunt Jiang stepped forward with a sneer: "Master Li, Gu Ziwan is the failure of the whole thing, her existence is the main reason for our failure!! Tonight, the person we are going to execute is her!!"

However, Li Miaoshan had a cool feeling in his bones, "Aunt Jiang... I think, or just forget it... Actually, there wasn't much hatred between us and her at first, it's just that things got worse and worse until now. Can't end..."

Fang Dang gave him a displeased look, pulled out the sword from his waist, and stuffed it into Li Miaoshan's hand.

"Master Li, why are you so timid?? People like you want to join us??"

Li Miaoshan looked up at him as if he had been sent to the army.

"You... what do you mean?!"

"What do you mean? Tonight is the ceremony for you to join us!!"

Fang Dang sneered and pulled out a dagger, walking towards Gu Ziwan.

"Our altar owner said that as long as you kill Gu Ziwan and use her head as a sacrifice, you can join our organization!!"

(End of this chapter)

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